My Writings for the Week (Monday — Sunday April 8th to 14th, 2024)

You can be rest assured, like a car race: no one blinks until it is all over

Chinedu V. Onyema
New Pub Welcome


Photo by Michael Hutchinson on Unsplash

I wrote a number of stories as usual. I would repeatedly ask. Where did the energy come from?

Of course, not the inspiration: because it is always there. It is the capacity to bring them to reality that is quite the crux of the matter.

So, let’s go.

  1. The title of this story was “How Do I Really Use these?”

It was an attempt at trying to understand the functions of certain Medium formatting icons from more established editors-cum-writers better.

The link is here.⬇️

2. The following story was entitled: “A Special Dedication to a Special Man of Grace”.

This was about a man of character, compassion and competence. He believes in helping humanity in making the world a better place.

This is a must read. Click.⬇️

Thank you, Editor/Publication: SandraWrites/Genuine Impact Publication.

3. Third on the list was this one entitled: “I Am Tired of Poverty” and anyone who has/had known poverty should.

The link is here.⬇️

Thank you, Editor/Publication: Bin Jiang/Write A Catalyst.

5. What an interesting piece the next story was from the literary perspective. Entitled: “My Most Favourite Figures of Speech”. It is a story any writer anyday, anytime, anywhere must be acquainted with. Why? No knowledge of them + others = no complete writing competence.⬇️

Thank you, Editor/Publication: Janis Gross/Wake. Write. Win..

6. “Cleverly Lazy” was a peep into the characteristic composition of some certain Homo Sapiens who takes pleasure in lazing around while others do the actual work.

Click to read, here:⬇️

Thank you, Editor/Publication: Frankie Pendles/Spot On .

7. The last but not the least was a sentimentally sensational scribble called: “How I Wish”.

Take it or leave it: sentimental thinking, irrational daydreaming, unrealistic imagination and presumptuous expectations are all part of life and what makes it pragmatically theoretical or fantastically practical.

See the story:⬇️

Thank you, Editors/Publication: RICHELLE CAREY/Wake. Write. Win..

8. It is mention worthy to note the story which reviewed all the writings of the previous week was also graciously published by the New Pub Welcome with its amiable Editor, Bin Jiang for the second week running.

Of course, the link is⬇️

I am immensely indebted.

Thank you for publishing them: all my above-mentioned esteemed editors and publishers.

Thanks for reading.



Chinedu V. Onyema
New Pub Welcome

From the influence of intuitive inspiration to the affluence of gracious Grace and to confluence of ideas, I write. "Life would be tragic if it weren't funny."