Reason why you should grow with NRG

New Royals Team
New Royals
Published in
1 min readMar 10, 2018

NRG — A token of prestige

New Royals Gold was designed to be a token of prestige and as we all know, prestige comes with a hefty price tag.

Our token will carry just as much prestige as our brand.

As we increase the prestige of being associated with our brand and grow, this correlates to increase in the value of NRG!

With limited supply and large buy orders (due to the high cost of our products and New Royals Club membership requirements), NRG will grow exponentially in value!

It’s simple economics! Join us now at

Read more on our whitepaper at



New Royals Team
New Royals

A blockchain e-commerce platform for ultra-luxury goods and services.