Latest Ellp Updates — September

Ellp Ltd
New to Ellp


Another month at Ellp brings with it new Ellp updates! Hoorayy

The team, here at Ellp, is continuously striving to make Ellp better. Let’s just say that the product team have outdone themselves this time round. How? Since our last update back in August, Ellp now got a new mini facelift, new cards and much more.

So what’s in store for you with the latest update?

For those of you who have already updated Ellp, might have already familiarised yourselves with the recent changes and features. But for those who have yet to update Ellp, here’s what to expect.

New Cards

When my desktop gets crowded, organize it

Clutter doesn’t encourage productivity! I’m not only talking about desk clutter but also about disorganization on your PC. Most of the time you end up saving hundreds of files on your desktop without finding the time to organize it as you keep postponing it for later. Try this Ellp card, to help you organize your desktop. Once activated this card will help you clean out your desktop when it gets too overcrowded.

When I unplug my headphones, mute the sound

The idea for this card was created by you for you! We received multiple messages suggesting this particular card, and finally, here it is! Your PC can detect when your headphones are plugged in, but it can’t detect it when they’re unplugged. Ellp can help with that. By simply activating this card, Ellp will mute the sound the moment you unplug your headphones, so you can keep the peace!

When I’m working hard, remind me to take a break

If you’re the kind of person who gets so lost in their work, then this card is ideal for you. It’s normal to be so focused on an important task that you forget to take your breaks. However, breaks are important just as much as any other task. It might sound counter-intuitive, but believe me, it’s not! Just like any other engine, your brain needs to refuel. So every now and again, step away from your desk, go make yourself a cup of coffee or simply step out for some fresh air. Your brain and body will thank you for it. While you’re at it get Ellp you help you with it. To do so simply activate the card and Ellp will notify you every time it’s time to take a break.

Redesign of the cards and view panel

The new design is clean and was made even simpler, allowing for easier navigation around your Ellp cards, making it more user-friendly. The redesign of the cards view, utilizes the whole space, and the editing parts are more prominent and clearly visible so you can easily edit according to your preferences. The view panel now, also suggests the Ellp cards that you might want to activate next, based on your previously activated cards, making Ellp yours.

Multi-config feature

We’ve received tons of messages asking us to add more flexibility on the Ellp cards’ customization options. This new Ellp multi-config feature is just the first step in that direction. This latest feature is currently available on 14 of our Ellp Cards and gives you the possibility to do more with Ellp. For a more detailed overview, check out our previous blog, written by none other than our Head of Product, Reuben.

The dynamics of the product are expanding and we promise to keep on improving and optimizing the product to ensure and enhance your Ellp experience.

Interested in how Ellp can help? Check it out here:



Ellp Ltd
New to Ellp

Ellp is a PC assistant that uses Cards to save users time and effort in going through their day. 4 themes: Productivity, Performance, Security and Entertainment