5 Natural Ways to Detox the Body

New U Life
New U Life
Published in
3 min readMar 28, 2022

Start spring cleaning your body with these 5 natural detoxing tips!

Spring is here! With the arrival of a new season, it’s out with the old and in with the new. This is the time to get rid of the old habits and implement new ones, especially for your health. What better way to start “spring cleaning” your health than with a wellness detox?

Here are five natural ways to detox the body and get ready for Spring.

Improve Gut Health

Certain types of bacteria in your body, specifically in your gut, are not good and can lead to disease. Be mindful that you’re eating the right foods that contribute to a healthy gut biome. Here are some foods that are known to improve gut health:

Prebiotics: Oats, asparagus, garlic, onions, cocoa, flax seeds

High-Fiber Nutrients: Bananas, raspberries, apples, whole grains, artichokes, broccoli, peas

Fermented Foods: Yogurt, Kimchi, sauerkraut, kombucha

Drink Warm Water

The next time you take a sip of water, try it warm. A 2019 study shared that drinking warm water, as opposed to cold, can also optimize the gut microbiome and help detox. If you don’t like drinking warm water straight, try adding in a flavored drink supplement for brain or gut health, making some tea, or even adding sliced lemon!

Exercise Regularly

Break a sweat, literally! By exercising at least 30 minutes a day (recommended), you help maintain liver and kidney health and increase the body’s circulation of lymph fluid, which helps to flush out toxins and old bacteria.

Tip: Make sure to try some dynamic stretches when your workout is done to prevent the buildup of lactic acid and other toxins.

Get a Good Night’s Rest

Sleep is the body’s natural way of detoxifying itself! And you don’t even have to do much. Just get at least 7–8 hours of sleep and you’re good to go! Here are three ways a good rest can detox the body:

  • Reduces inflammation
  • Hormones released help muscles repair
  • Free flow of blood, oxygen, and nutrients assists in the body’s healing process

Take Natural Based Supplements

Last but certainly not least, taking the right supplements can go a long way, especially when they contain natural plant-based ingredients. SomaDerm® is a transdermal gel that contains rejuvenating ingredients like aloe vera, green tea, and licorice root to help build you better from the inside out and naturally detox the body.

See what these botanical herbs can do for you!

Aloe Vera: A hydrating herb that contains antibacterial properties.

Green Tea: A plant packed with natural polyphenols that support the body’s detox system.

Licorice Root: An herbaceous legume that supports liver health and overall hormone balance.

Image by New U Life

We hope you enjoyed this spring cleaning guide for your body and continue to make choices that optimize your wellness. If you find this article helpful or interesting, don’t forget to share it with a friend!

Learn more about SomaDerm and other products designed to support whole-body health here.

