Human Growth Hormone (HGH): What It Is and Why It’s Important

New U Life
New U Life
Published in
3 min readApr 18, 2022
Image by New U Life.

Human growth hormone, or HGH, is a natural substance that the body produces to help build muscle and bone. It also helps us maintain energy levels, mental focus, immune function, and even sexual health. But how exactly does it work?

What Are Natural Growth Hormones?

Human growth hormone is a crucial protein that’s produced by the pituitary gland. It is considered to be the “master” hormone because it plays such an important role in your body’s endocrine system and helps regulate things like energy, mood, sex drive, weight gain or loss — just about everything your body needs to stay healthy.

HGH gets its name because of the role they play in your natural growth and development. During puberty, children produce this hormone to aid in growth and development. Starting in their early 20s, a person will experience their first HGH decline as growth slows. And by the age of 30, the body produces much less. This decline continues as we age; in fact, some believe that this decline might actually be the cause of aging!

Natural growth hormones function in several key ways:

  • Cellular repair: Natural growth hormone stimulates protein synthesis. As proteins are the building blocks of life, this supports injury recovery, normal cell function, and overall health.
  • Sleep: Humans get their best sleep during the REM (Rapid Eye Movement) phase of sleep — the dream state. HGH helps to maintain this state and encourages restful sleep.
  • Metabolism and growth: Muscle growth, carbohydrate metabolism, and protein synthesis are critical functions of natural growth hormone. When combined with proper nutrition, this helps moderate insulin, lean muscle growth, and cardiovascular health.

After 30, the benefits of naturally produced HGH start to disappear. It takes longer to recover from injuries. Effects of aging begin to set in. Weight gain, mood change, and changed sexual function start to become more common. And that’s without considering the other factors that can negatively compound the effects of declining natural growth hormone — such as eating processed foods and smoking cigarettes.

Why It’s Important to Know the Science of Natural Growth Hormones

Learning the role human growth hormone plays in our overall health and wellbeing is more than a high school biology lesson. It’s the key to understanding the science behind the symptoms of aging — as well as some steps we can take to slow them.

For example, feeling sluggish? Or wondering why your muscle mass is decreasing, or body fat is increasing? It may be due to shifting growth hormone levels in your body.

Other signs of low growth hormone levels may include:

  • Low bone density
  • Slow metabolism
  • Decreased libido
  • Trouble sleeping

Knowing the potential cause of these signs is only one part of why growth hormone science matters. The other part is knowing what you can do about these signs.

Over a decade before starting New U Life, Alexy Goldstein — a certified homeopath, herbalist, respected iridologist, and Nutritional Consultant (NC) — discovered a way to unlock the potential of HGH.

By utilizing the body’s natural growth hormone with a proprietary blend of ingredients, Alexy created an answer to aging anyone could benefit from. This was SomaDerm®, a topical gel with ingredients designed to provide the benefits of HGH without the negative side effects.

The Benefits of Taking a Supplement With Natural Growth Hormone

As everyone is different, each person experiences the benefits of natural growth hormone uniquely to their health, situation, and needs. But here’s what users of SomaDerm report feeling:

  • Boosted energy and exercise performance
  • Weight loss and muscle growth
  • Improved libido and other desirable effects
  • Increased mental clarity
  • Decreased muscle pain and aches

By understanding the benefits of taking a supplement with natural growth hormone, it’s easy to understand whether or not they are for you. Click here to learn more about the science behind SomaDerm and natural growth hormone.

