Hello New Worlds!

In spring 2016, Enigma adopted a new visual identity. A change which is not merely aesthetic, but one which is intended to provide concrete evidence of a profound business transformation: from now on, Enigma means much more than just playing the communications agency role.

New worlds, new rules, new routes.
2 min readAug 18, 2016


Today, success can no longer be built simply on affirmations and appearances. The value of a business has to be proved. By getting better, that’s all. This observation, based on the analysis of more than 250 communication and marketing campaigns, has prompted the Enigma team to question the role it should play with its clients going forward. The conclusion is obvious: simply being a communications agency is not enough.

“We are Enigma. We help great teams reach their destinations. We guide them through blurred geographies, shifting landscapes, and twisted new trajectories.”

Our ambition is to help businesses and organisations become truly exceptional. Every day, this drives us to conceive campaigns that are unique and extremely varied.

Delving into the deeper meaning of a business. Running a workshop to enable an executive team to revise a business model. Optimising processes or services. Implementing a customer relationship management solution. Rethinking the identity of an organisation.

In a world that is now permanently on the move, instantaneous and hyper-connected, helping our clients to achieve success means guiding them through unknown territories which are constantly changing and where the usual codes no longer work. This means having to reinvent our own wheel all the time, exploring new opportunities, controlling new tools and, above all, discarding ready-made solutions.

We are here for you. Perhaps no more than before. But with a spectrum of possibilities whose range is going to surprise you. If you are tempted to explore new territories along with us, just get in touch!

Originally published at enigma.swiss on August 18, 2016.



New worlds, new rules, new routes.

We are Enigma, we help organisations find their way to greatness.