10 Days in the Land of Terror

My trip to HEAVEN

Akshat Gupta
New Writers Welcome
3 min readSep 29, 2021


Dawn in Kashmir

Agar firdaus bar ru-ye zamin ast
Hamin ast-o hamin ast-o hamin ast

These are the words used by the Mughal emperor Jahangir to capture the essence of Kashmir. They say, ‘If there is a heaven on Earth, It is here, It is here, It is here.

Kashmir has always been the crown of India. Surrounded by beautiful valleys and snow-covered mountains, meadows covered with flowers, and welcomed by sweet-hearted Kashmiris. It offers a ton of activities for people who have a thing for an adrenaline rush.

Sadly this land of paradise lost its magic in the hands of some ill-minded people. Now, heaven rests in the rumble. A simple Google search preciously reflects the current situation of Kashmir.

I visited Kashmir in the July month of this year as a Tour Assistant for my father’s business. I was skeptical at first but after reaching there; my perspective for Kashmir took a complete 180-degree turn.

This trip gave me countless memories; I’d met wonderful people and came to know about the real truth of Kashmir. Even though terrorism is still a huge part of this land, there is so much more this place offers. Like:-

Screenshot provided author

Food:- Kashmir is like a dream for food lovers. There is a load of mouthwatering delicacies for both vegetarians and non-vegetarians. Even though the menu keeps on going and going, one just can’t miss the main attractions:-

Photo by author

Hospitality:- People here have naturally loving and welcoming personalities. They treat you like one for their own. The language of Kashmir changes from place to place but a sweet melody follows everywhere.

In general, everyone is quick to offer help.
I shop owner brought kava(A Kashmiri drink that you must try) from his house especially for me because I mentioned it in one of our conversations.

Photo captured by the author

Sceneries:- Kashmir is covered with greenery and is a perfect place to get connected with nature. There are several hikes available and more adventures for the adrenaline junkies.

A subtle calmness, positive energy encapsulates the environment.

The list would go on and on but there is no benefit in reading about it. Visit the beautiful land of Kashmir and see it for yourself.



Akshat Gupta
New Writers Welcome

‘Jack of few trades, Master of none’. I like learning about the different schools of thought.