11 Endearing Reminders for Busy Creators Going Through a Rough Patch

Your anchor for when things get tough

Jane Anne
New Writers Welcome
4 min readMay 2, 2024


Pixels Photo by Nathan Cowley

Life is unpredictable. Being a busy creator is even more complex.

One minute, you have everything under control. The next second, you’re screaming for help or struggling to grapple with how and when things got out of control.

You make plans and hope to God that things will go accordingly, only to wake up and realize that nothing is as it should be.

On top of it, life throws you unexpected curve balls that deplete your will to keep moving and striving to build something meaningful as a writer.

Sometimes, you’ll feel like you’re not doing enough. Your growth will be slow. Every effort you make will feel like pouring oil on water. You get no results.

I want you to know that even when life gets unpredictable, your plans go sideways, life throws you curve balls, and nothing seems to work, you’re:

  • Doing your best.
  • Thriving where you are.
  • Making a difference daily.
  • Chasing your dreams one step at a time.

You’ll indeed have good and bad days, encounter obstacles, and face setbacks that may feel endless. Hold on just a little longer, it’ll end.

To ease your frustrations, I want you to have these eleven endearing reminders to help you get through tough days and keep your passion alive.

1. Choose calm

When nothing makes sense, choose calm.

This will be hard because you operate in a chaotic universe.

But pausing, even for a minute, to give your mind room to process the situation increases your odds of finding the right solution by 60%.

2. Take a stand

Ignore the need to bolt out the door at the first sign of a challenge or the hundredth.

They’ll keep coming.

If life is dodged enough to keep throwing curve balls at you, have the guts to keep swinging until you knock them out of the park.

3. Create a gap.

The way you perceive difficult situations defines how you handle them.

You’ll never find a way out of them if you don’t believe you will.

Alternatively, you can find a silver lining by creating a gap between your problems and goals.

A small gap. That’s all you need.

4. It is worth it.

However long it takes to make your dreams come true…

It is worth it.

In the end, you would’ve put in the work when it was:

  • Confusing
  • Impossible
  • Unbearable
  • Challenging
  • Overwhelming
  • Uncomfortable

You would’ve reached your breaking point and surpassed it.

5. Stay on the path

As a busy writer, your journey hangs even more precariously on the balance because achieving success may take longer.

  • You’ll grow impatient
  • You’ll hate the process
  • You’ll feel doubtful.

Stay on the path.

Taking longer doesn’t mean you won’t reach it.

6. Believe in your vision

Your life as a busy creator can get brutally difficult.

Sometimes you won’t find a manual to help you out or a hand to lift you.

All you’ll have is yourself, your will, a little hope, and your vision.

Don’t stop believing.

7. Do something different.

Sometimes, going through a rough patch is a sign of redirection. It’s your soul urging you to follow your heart and stop listening to logic.

It could be a change in approach, direction, process, offer, idea, or a total overhaul.

Whichever it is, don’t ignore the need to change. Doing something different makes a difference.

8. Nobody has it easy.

The size of the baggage doesn’t matter. Everyone has one. Even those you think don’t.

  • Your coach
  • Your mentor
  • Your friends
  • Your confidant
  • Your Community

They have their struggles.

Be compassionate with yourself when times are tough. Nobody has it easy.

9. Leave resentment at the door.

When life happens, finding someone or something to blame is easy.


It's nobody's fault. It is most certainly not yours either.

If you can't solve your problems immediately,

  • Let it be.
  • Seek help.
  • Focus on now.

That's your way forward.

10. Build something that excites you.

Too many people desire what others have instead of what they want.

Don't be like them. The excitement won’t last.

You're different.

Build something special. Something that excites you. It's the only way you'll outlast the storm.

11. Leave no room for doubt.

Doubt has no business sharing the same space as your goals.

Don’t doubt yourself if you’re going through a rough patch; just do.

‘Doing’ leaves no room for doubt.

Taking action pays off way better than contemplating your next steps.

Challenges will come and go. Tough days won’t last. Rough patches will give way to smooth sailing. Hold on just a little longer.

Instead of chain-smoking your problems and going from sorrow to sorrow, turn your face toward the light, no matter how dim it is, and let it guide you through the dark.

Leave doubt at the door. Fight for what you want and show up until you actualize your goals.

I hope you will.

I struggled to balance my life, work, and creating art while juggling a 9 to 5. Not anymore. Want to learn how I did it?

Join 70+ busy writers and download my free guide.

Hey, does your life-work-creative process feel overwhelming, and you can’t get through the chaos as a busy writer? I can help you deconstruct your overwhelm and find balance.

​Start here: Deconstruct your overwhelm




Jane Anne
New Writers Welcome

Juggling a 9–5 & Writing -> I help busy writers balance life-work-and making art, overcome overwhelm, create consistently & thrive -> https://shorturl.at/ZYD21