15,000 Reads—How Much Did I Make?

Does it really make sense to write on Medium?

New Writers Welcome


I am on Medium, writing 2-3 blogs a week from November 2021, without making a single penny from Medium’s Partner Program (MPP).

I was in so much love with writing that I didn’t care about the money I make.

At that time, MPP wasn’t available in India but I kept on writing on Medium with the hope that they'd enable it in my country soon.

And finally, after waiting for 3 freaking years, it is here. We have MPP here in India now.

I was jumping in excitement when I heard the news and man, oh man, 2021 Paul’s dream of making money on Medium finally became a reality.

After joining MPP, this is what my first month looks like.

15,400 views in total.

5 stories published last month.

8,400 people showed love on my stories.

Author’s September views on Medium
My views last month (September)

And 15,000 views made me $156.51 in my first month after joining MPP on Medium.

The best part is I’ve spent only a few hours and posted only 5 articles.



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