23 Things You Shouldn’t Do in 2023

Stop doing these things to be successful and happy

Syeda Ayesha
New Writers Welcome
8 min readMar 7, 2023


Image by jcomp on freepik

1- Wasting time over worthless people:

One of the biggest mistakes we normally do in our lives is wasting our time on worthless people. Do you know who am I referring to? Well, these are the people who don’t care about us, these are the people who deceive us whenever they get the chance and these are the people who stand by our side when we are at our best and leave us in the time of need.

Take some time and ask yourself a simple question, Are these people worth your time? If I was to answer this question then I must say that life is too short, and these kinds of people don’t worth our time.

2- Running from your problems:

Problems are part of our life-we cannot run from them. I know it’s not easy to solve problems immediately but running from them generates new problems or makes us cowards. Whenever you face any problem, stay calm, find solutions, and take your time to solve it.

3- Lying to yourself:

The worst thing we do to ourselves is lying-not only to others but also to ourselves. We are supposed to be fair with others and ourselves. If we talk about the Islamic point of view then lying is a sin. How can we prosper while sinning by lying to ourselves?

4- Putting others’ needs on the front burner and your own on the back burner:

Helping others is a good thing but we often face a time when we have to put our own needs on the back burner to help others- which is bad. Because if you are only focusing on helping others then who will help you? Losing yourself while loving someone else isn’t worth it.

5- Trying to be someone you are not:

The most painful thing is trying to be someone- others are expecting from you instead of being the real you. Whatever we do people will never be happy. They will always find a reason to humiliate you. So, there is no need to pretend to be someone you are not. Be the real you and believe me you will find the right people at the right time who will love the way you are.

6-Holding on to the past:

I know the past is part of life that we can’t forget. Your past may be the best or the worst depending upon the circumstances you faced. But you need to stop living in the past and start living in the present and focus on your future.

7- Being scared to make a mistake:

The most common thing most of us do is not do things for the fear of failure. You may do something but because of mistakes you failed to achieve the expected results, but it’s still better than not doing it in the fear of failure. If you think that you must achieve something immediately after attempting it then you must be thinking that life is a bed of roses but in real life is a bed of thorns. Consistency and hard work is the key to success but in the journey toward success, you may face many hurdles and failure as well. But those mistakes and failures make a better you.

8- Bollocking yourself:

You must have listened to the phrase “ No one is perfect” from the very start. But have you understood it? All of us indeed make mistakes in our lives but Bollocking ourselves after committing a mistake is a wrong thing. Mistakes teach us lessons and those lessons lead us to a better future.

9- Buying happiness:

Money indeed helps us buy a lot of things that we love and having those things will give us happiness for sure. But believe me that happiness will be temporary. Because money cannot buy everything such as love. We can live without luxuries thing but it would be more difficult for us to live without love, family, or friends. You need to prioritize the things money can’t buy and then work for those things.

10- Looking to others for happiness:-

We are the people who think that only people around us can make us happy. I agree with the fact that people around us which would probably be our friends, family, or partner, matter a lot. They affect us, especially our mood. But it’s not true that you can only be happy if they can make you happy likewise. If you cannot be happy with whom you are now, you cannot be happy with anyone else as well. You need to find a way that how to be happy on your own instead of looking to others.

11- Being jealous of others:-

Jealousy is the slow poison that we give to ourselves. Although it’s a natural feeling we can control it for sure. It is possible that someone around you would be wealthier, prettier, and more blessed than you, but have you ever thought about how blessed you are? If someone is better than you in one aspect then I’m 101% sure that there must be something in which you will be better than that person. Therefore, stop being jealous of others and start counting your blessings and be happy for them.

12- Wasting time explaining yourself to others:-

While explaining yourself to others, you are humiliating yourself. I don’t even get the point that why we explain ourselves to people who will not believe us at any cost. You have to differentiate between friends and foes. Friends are the persons who matter and they will believe in whatever you do and respect your decisions as well. But foes will always find a way to criticize you, so why bother explaining yourself to those people? Just do whatever you think is good for you.

13- Waiting for others:-

Whatever you do will have a risk factor in it. It may be possible that you will fail at a small thing many times, But it doesn’t mean to stop struggling and start Looking to others for help. Stop waiting for others in a hope that they will help you reach your goal and think that it is your goal and you have to achieve it on your own. Believe me, the happiness and satisfaction you will get after achieving your goal on your own instead of with someone’s else help will make you satisfied and happy.

14- Complaining and feeling sorry for yourself:-

You may face hundreds of thousands of failures. Life isn’t easy. The majority of people start complaining and feeling sorry for themselves after those failures but you have to be someone different. Instead of being in the status quo, you have to believe that failure is the first step to success. If you fail today and don’t stop working, you will succeed one day. Nothing is impossible, as impossible is saying that “I am possible”, it just needs consistency and hard work.

15- Doing the same things:-

You may be failing again and again and complaining about it. But instead of complaining you need to take time and think that whether that thing suits you or not. That thing may not match your personality. Everyone cannot do everything, you just have to look for things you can do well. There may be more mistakes that you repeat again and again in your life making it more difficult.

16- Thinking you are not ready:-

The worst thing we do is lose good opportunities while thinking that we are not ready for them. When will you be ready then? If you are not ready for something today, you will not be ready for it tomorrow as well. You will never feel that you are 100 percent ready for something. Instead of thinking about whether you are ready or not, whenever you see the opportunity, grab it.

17:- Holding grudges:-

It is easy to hate but healthy to love. Don’t live with hate for someone in your heart. Hate is like a scorpion, it will hurt you. Forgiveness is the best thing to be happy in your life. If someone does something bad to You, move on, forgive them, and leave your matter to God. It will make you more peaceful than holding grudges.

18- Ignoring small moments:-

Small moments are always beautiful. Instead of waiting for something big to happen, start being happy in the small moments. Enjoy every single opportunity you get, whether it’s big or small. One day when you will get old or get time to look back then you will discover that those small moments were special.

19:- Getting involved for the wrong reasons:-

Stop looking for a relationship desperately. If someone is meant to be with you, he/she will. You need to understand that fall in love when you think you are ready for it, not when you think you are lonely and there must be someone to entertain you. Choosing a partner is the most difficult and worthy task. Be with someone who matters to you and with whom you feel comfortable and happy.

20:- Letting others bring you down to their level:-

Lowering your standard just to meet someone else isn’t worth it. If someone demands you to lower your standard you must ask them to raise their standard. You set a standard with a lot of struggles and letting others bring you down is not valuable.

21:- Trying to make things perfect:-

No one is perfect and can’t do things perfectly. In the struggle to make things perfect, you will lose many other things. You will make mistakes, but it’s human nature you have to accept it. Do you know what is worse than doing things wrong? It is faking things. It is your life and depends on you and your choices. You must accept that real you and stop faking things in the way of their perfection.

22:- Rejecting new relationships:-

You are destined to meet new people in your life. It may be possible that you give all of your love and care to someone but they cheat you in return. After these sorts of incidents people usually start rejecting new relationships, which is wrong. Life doesn’t end with one person, you have to move on and start accepting new relationships. You may find your dream person one day.

23- Competing against everyone else:-

I believe that competing against anyone else is a way of insulting yourself. It doesn’t matter what others are doing, whatever they are achieving isn’t your concern. You have to compete with yourself. Try to be the better you every day. Start breaking your records. Start losing and winning to yourself at the same time. Believe me, it’s worth doing.



Syeda Ayesha
New Writers Welcome

A girl in her 20s trying to figure out the world. I mostly write about Medium growth, Self-improvement, International affairs and culture.