25 Reasons Why I May Have Muted You On Medium

I’m probably not seeing your posts if you’ve done these

Janice Harayda
New Writers Welcome
5 min readFeb 4, 2023


Silenced woman / Credit: Anete Lusina on Pexels

Are your posts getting fewer claps or comments than you’d hoped?

It may be happening because you haven’t hit your stride or found your voice on Medium — and you’ll start getting more when you do. But it could also be happening for a reason you haven’t considered: A lot of people have muted you and aren’t seeing your posts.

There’s no real way to tell who’s muted you on Medium, and everyone tends to have his or her own reasons. Some people may have little interest in the topics closest to your heart. Others may think you’re ignoring basic courtesies, such as responding to comments. Still, others may mute you for reasons regularly covered on Medium: You write trite or clickbait-y headlines or use clichéd Unsplash photos people have seen way too often.

As I journalist, I see red flags and mute people when they violate journalistic standards or ethics. They make serious factual errors, fail to credit photos properly or write dull first lines that don’t capture your attention. I write about books, so I’m also quick to mute people who make dubious claims about them, such as saying in a headline that a book will “change your life”: Every…



Janice Harayda
New Writers Welcome

Critic, novelist, award-winning journalist. Former book editor of the Plain Dealer and book columnist for Glamour. Words in NYT, WSJ, and other major media.