3 Changes To Improve Your Self-Esteem

A Simple Guide With Great Impact

Paris Delaney
New Writers Welcome
3 min readAug 28, 2022


Photo by Caroline Veronez on Unsplash

Your Circle

A support network, designed by yourself, should include the type of people who add value to your life. Surround yourself who those who admire and encourage your talents and strengths. Always aspire to meet and make friendships with others driven by their goals and have wonderfully different perspectives. Never assume you’ve learned everything. Every year, you walk past thousands of people, with each one having brains filled with views and ideas you would never have thought of on your own. Restricting yourself to others who only share similar interests prevents self-growth; you miss the opportunity to really be amazed by how much people can add to your character.

“Assume that the person you are listening to might know something you don’t.”-Jordan Peterson.

Take a class that isn’t necessarily your usual fun idea, intending to begin relationships with interesting people!

Your Self-Image

The forever-changing beauty standard. An online wormhole, so many of us fall into, dictating to people how to appear to be considered attractive. Small insignificant details to our outer anatomy, which once never worried us, now cost us hard cash to fix what social media has momentarily declared ugly. Separating yourself from the media bandwagon of influencer groupies, who for most chase an unachievable image, allows you to process what you find good-looking about yourself individually. Nothing is more liberating than looking in the mirror and not holding yourself to others’ expectations. There is beauty in uniqueness.

Moving forward, how do you challenge your obsession to meet every ongoing trend? Self-worth starts with you being confident within your own skin. Try to spend a day or two re-styling yourself with no other influences, and for the foreseeable future, venture outside in such form. You’ll be surprised when others actually respond to you with adoration.

Your Job

Our time is precious, and for most, we spend a lot of it at work, an unavoidable must to survive; countless minutes irretrievable. To feel like your life is fulfilled stems from the feeling you had a purpose, and people attest that their jobs contribute to this. How? Pursuing a career based on your passion or one gives you a sense of emotional reward. So ask yourself…

Do I have a talent that I dream of pursuing?

Does making a difference for others give me a sense of worth?

In a world filled with thousands of different opportunities that can financially support someone’s lifestyle, it seems such a waste to spend your time doing something that is the opposite of what makes you happy. A fabulous new career adventure doesn’t happen overnight; however, it’s not difficult to create a time frame with small goals that get you one step closer to achieving your desired job. Accomplishing your plan will indefinitely skyrocket your self-esteem.

In my own experience, taking control of these three areas improved my self-esteem and gave me a healthy balance in my day-to-day life. Not only have I found peace by pursuing what matters to me, but I have also reduced my anxiety by ridding all unnecessary toxic habits. Now, I focus on what will positively impact my being. It has been approximately 2 years since instilling these three changes, and I have achieved many of my personal goals. Honestly, I would recommend to all my readers to start your journey to improve your self-esteem with my advice above in the hopes that you all can lead a life of true happiness and accomplish all you desire.



Paris Delaney
New Writers Welcome

Just a writer sharing experiences, thoughts and different perspectives.