3 Chrome Extensions for Medium You Probably Didn't Know

You may need them.

New Writers Welcome


image created by author using canva.
Image created by the author using Canva.

Extensions make your work a lot easier and can save a ton of time. Since I would assume you are a Medium writer, you probably have heard of a few Medium extensions like Medium Enhanced Stats, … and more.

But here I bring to you a few extensions that you probably would like to give a shot.

Here is a list of a few.

1. Better Medium Stats

I love this extension. It provides a lot of insights, such as daily views, weekly views, and even views per hour.

image captured by the author.

Insights about your best-performing stories of all time. Insights about claps, fans, and reads.

image captured by the author.

2. Darker Medium

I use it a lot. If you write a lot and you can not stand a white page then this extension might help you a lot.

Although Medium has not officially launched a dark mood for Medium yet, you may use this for…



New Writers Welcome

From a beginner writer to author. Writing about basically everything that can alter your perception of reality.