3 Online Writing Secrets No One Tells You About

How to use design to make your writing irresistible

Derek Hughes
New Writers Welcome


Photo by Inside Weather on Unsplash

Something odd happens when I walk past an Apple store.

I want to go in.

This is strange because I never buy Apple products. I’m an Android guy. But the Apple store has this magnetic field. It draws me in. You can use the same strategy to pull in your readers. Their secret is this.

People value design.

Beautiful design draws us in. Successful writers take the Apple approach. Your reader doesn’t just want content. They want writing that’s easy on the eye. When I started I made the mistake of focusing on content. But I’ve discovered packaging is important too.

The power of design

Imagine your reader.

  • Where are they?
  • How are they feeling?
  • What’s their state of mind?

Here’s my guess.

They are in a queue. Or watching TV. Possibly on the toilet. They are distracted. Offering you half their attention. You have a moment to capture attention.

Hard to read doesn’t get read.

How friction changes behavior



Derek Hughes
New Writers Welcome

Building a $30k part-time business. Showing writers how to grow theirs. Coaching and courses to elevate your writing. Free course www.derekhughes.biz