3 Questions to Ask Before Starting to Make Money Online

Stop reading 50 Ways to Make $10,000 a Month Online. It never helps.

Ron Markley
New Writers Welcome


Photo by Lua Valentia on Unsplash

An article like “50 Ways to Make $10,000 A Month Online” is a drug.

It makes you crave more and keeps you reading to find the “right idea.”

Result? It leaves you paralyzed.

Making money online is simple but not easy.

First, you need to ask yourself these 3 questions:

  1. Who are your customers?
  2. What do your customers want?
  3. Where can you find your customers?

Let’s dive in.

Q1: Who are your customers?

Most people start with a money-making idea:

  • Sell a T-shirt
  • Write an AI article
  • Do graphic design

But they never ask, “Who needs it?”

Focusing on the wrong target wastes your time and resources.

Remember: You can’t sell a pen to people who never need a pen.

Q2: What do your customers want?



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