14# Grind’n’Hustle

4 Fundamental Formulas for Medium Growth

Relationships need to be carefully fostered

Ikada Mario
New Writers Welcome


Photo by Dan Cristian Pădureț on Unsplash

Relationships need to be carefully fostered. Importantly, the relationship that we form with our followers needs to be a two-way dialogue, to create joy, and knowledge, and help one another otherwise, we’re pushing out content for the sake of creating clumsy noise.

“May your walls know joy; may every room hold laughter and every window open to great possibility” — Maryann Radmacher-Hershey

#1 Know what audience — who are they and what themes are they on?

If you are trying to engage older readers, you’re more likely to find them on Religious, Politics, and Light-jokes publishers. Whereas if you’re trying to sell to a working-class millennial or younger it’s most likely going to be on a Self-made millionaire type of publisher where you can reach them.

#2 What value do you bring to your intended audience?

Do you have a theme or service that solves a problem? If so, find a community who are openly speaking about that problem and hook them directly. Yes, sales mentality my friend.

Every article has a target reader who has needs; our job is to connect those needs by listening and engaging directly.

#3 Who are the references?

If you are in a self-help theme and are selling your services on Medium, who is buying the service? Seriously as yourself: who are these people and do they need your help digitally?

Keep tracking your values, skills, and intentions. Connect and form a dialogue with them in an attempt to genuinely help. If you provide a genuine sincere service they will undoubtedly recommend you.

#4 Who has perceived influence among your target consumers and how can you align with them?

Whoever they are, you should be finding ways every day to form relationships with them; Medium and other social media provide you with the opportunity to directly connect with and catch the attention of these individuals.

Again, movements and experiences are what people crave to be part of — something bigger than themselves. The distinction between different ideas could be challenging but the foundation of success most of the time based on the same floor material.

What is influence benefits?

Jesus Christ man. . .

With the right mix of charisma, a large following, and content that’s amplified by those loyal followers and ad budget, anyone in the future might have the formula to enhance their pharmaceutical campaign without a physical diagnosis from a legit certified doctor only with and through social media.

Less “brand” more human is the scariest thing to hear in 2024.

