4 Signs That You’re Destroying Your Chances of Being Successful As A Digital Writer

And what can you do to prevent that

Mario Da Silva
New Writers Welcome


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Tiny, unnoticed habits can silently sabotage your progress as a digital writer

You don’t think of them as harmful. The reality is, you don’t realize how damaging some behaviors are. Those can blow your chances for success.

Let me show you what those are.

You want what others achieved. Their success to be yours

What drives us to want what others have?

Whether we like it or not we get exposed to endless images of wealth and a rich lifestyle. This clouds our judgment on what we want or what is our true worth.

We chase after this ‘pre-determined’ lifestyle that the media subject us to believe is what we want.

But is it what we truly want?

What Ryder Carroll says in his book is spot on: “Distracted by the never-ending stream of aspirational media, we forfeit our opportunity to define what is meaningful on our own terms”.

Challenge what you see and what you want.



Mario Da Silva
New Writers Welcome

Engineer-Digital Writer and soon-to-be part-time-preneur | I talk about digital writing, entrepreneurship, and journaling | https://mariodasilva.substack.com/