5 Essentials For A Strong Morning Routine

Sustainable Routines Allow For Sustainable Habits

Aarti Tailor
New Writers Welcome


Photo by Olena Sergienko on Unsplash

Morning routines set the tone for the day. How you choose to start your day can either set you up for greatness or create room for a lack of motivation.

When we form good habits they become easier to build upon as they become second nature to us, which is why the more we form good routines in the morning the more likely we are to build on this momentum for the rest of the day.

That’s not to say that we can’t turn it around at any point in the day, and shift from being unproductive to productive. We are just more likely to be motivated to continue on a positive streak when we have already begun by setting the bar high.

Everyone’s morning rituals will differ, however, there are a few key points to include in a morning routine that will allow it to remain sustainable and strong.

1. Hydration

Starting the day off with hydrating yourself is a great way to kick-start your digestive system as this cleanses your body. I always start my day off with warm lemon water as this flushes out toxins and I feel refreshed after.

Drinking plain water is also one of the best ways to start the day. However, things like coffee are not great to have as…



Aarti Tailor
New Writers Welcome

Alchemist in training. Still learning, still growing. Fusing my life experiences with my interests in spirituality, travelling, self-improvement and wellness.