5 Habits I Regret Not Starting Sooner

Don’t make these mistakes!

Niti singh
New Writers Welcome
4 min readJan 19, 2022


Photo by @felipepelaquim on Unsplash

Habits make a person achieve their goals in life and help them stay focused and organized. “We first make our habits, and then our habits make us” — John Dryden

In this article, I will be talking about 5 habits that I regret not starting sooner in my life. If I had started these habits earlier in my life it would give me much better results and I would have grown more.

I have written this article because, if you don’t have these habits you should definitely start building them and get more benefits through them.

1. Starting My side hustle

The idea of having a side hustle doesn't even cross my mind because I was busy doing studies and didn't even know that I can dedicate some hours to a work and create an income out of it. I recently started writing on Medium and it's a great platform if you have an interest in writing. There are many works that you can start with like digital marketing, content writing or you can make a youtube channel.

A side hustle is insurance against every problem like hating your job, hating your boss, or the constant fear of losing your job. By dedicating some hours in a week you can create a sizeable income and even create a career out of it.

If you don't have a side hustle you should definitely start one whether you are a student, a working professional, or a homemaker because it does not take a lot of time and effort but has the potential to become really big for you.

2. Documenting my days

A friend of mine introduced this concept to me and forced me to try this out. I have started documenting my days a couple of months ago and felt many changes in decision making and observing things.

By documenting your day, I mean is every day we have different types of experiences, thoughts ideas and a lot happens in our lives and after a couple of days or weeks, we forget what had happened on that day. Documenting your day in a digital format, audio format, or in your notebook is generally a good idea because you can look back and see the kinds of thoughts you were struggling with. It really lays in front of you the journey you had in those days.

When you read or listen to the documentation you had written, you can see the growth you have made and the mistakes you did. It just helps you to make better and clear decisions.

3. Not comparing to others

I know this sounds basic and obvious that why would we compare ourselves with others but honestly every person compares themselves with someone at a point in their life. The thing is that we are just trained to do this by our education system, by our society, by our culture to constantly compete with other people.

Earlier, whenever I saw a travel blogger I looked at their life and was like this is so amazing! what a great life they have! Honestly, this is something that happens with many of us. I worked on myself and became clear about my goals in life are totally different than theirs.

If you constantly compare yourself with someone this will harm your mental health and eventually lead to depression. You should understand that you cannot be the best at everything and should focus on your life and your goals.

4. Investing

If you understand the concept around investing it's all about timing. If you start early you can see better results. Every single year that you delay adds more pressure and more requirement from your end to see a bigger amount at the time of your retirement.

The basic concept of investing that comes into play is compounding which says that if you invest money today whatever interest is added on to that amount becomes principle for the next year. Your money grows exponentially because the more number of years the more the return you get.

So, if you are somebody you haven't started investing it's high time you take action now.

5. Meditation

Undoubtedly meditation has many benefits but building a habit to meditate is not a piece of cake for everyone. You should absolutely try your best to make it a habit. Personally, it took a lot of time for me to build a habit of meditation because I couldn't concentrate for a long time. If you challenge yourself for 21 days or stick to a regular time every day you can build a habit to meditate.

Meditation not only improves your mental health but also helps to elevate the mood and enhances creativity. It reduces the chances of depression and anxiety.

If you are not into mediation I suggest trying it out and you can feel the changes yourself.

These were some mistakes that I did and have a little regret that if I would have started earlier I would grow more as an individual. If you are doing the same mistakes as me, you can learn from my mistakes and achieve more.

All The Best!



Niti singh
New Writers Welcome

📚 Exploring the Pages of Life | 21 | Passionate writer and enthusiastic reader | Join me on a journey through emotions and stories 🌟