5-steps to write a unique article that will drive 100x more views?

Apply these simple 5-steps and make your content socially shareable.

Dilwar Choudhury
New Writers Welcome
4 min readMay 29, 2022


Source: Unsplash

Are you getting bored with article writing? Or Do you want to get 100x more visitors to your blog? If yes, walk with me until the end of this article. And I can guarantee you will get 100x more traffic on your next article.

I have read 1000 of blogs, but only a few got social shares. Although all articles have well written, readers don’t like to waste their time there. Do you know why?

You won’t be a great online writer if you don’t understand how to write online! It’s doesn’t matter how linguistic you. You should understand your readers and write according to them in online content writing.

So if you are willing to get more views on your blog, you should have to apply these tactics given below.

Read for readers.

Yes, if you want readers to read your article, first you should have to read it for them. But how?

You need to read other content those are well optimized and got more views. And find similar topics that you are willing to write about and read those articles loudly.

Observe what spices they have added to their content and try to implement those in your blog post. It will help you make the right decision, and ultimately you will be able to write unique content.


After reading some articles, you need to research your topics from rich sources. People want to learn, so they come to your blog.

But if you write without proper research, they will leave your website permanently. So make sure to do research from reputable sources before writing an article. It will make you more trustable.

Think like a reader and write digestible content. 🥞

Imagine how you feel while you have to read 10 minutes or even longer than 10 minutes articles. 🤔

If you write heavy articles, no one likes to read them, even how well you have written them. Because according to some research, people's attention span is decreasing day by day.

As of now, the average attention span is 8 seconds. So make sure to write digest able content. You can make a very digest able article with infographics and a short paragraph.

Instead of putting 10-lines in a Paragraph, you can divide it into 3-smaller parts. And try to keep a Paragraph under 3 to 4 lines.

Write in plain English!

I have written tons of articles and blog posts, but I didn't get enough views. Although, I have used infographics and whatever other things are needed.

A few days ago, I listened to the Plain Language. And I took action and completed a 42 minutes course on "Write in plain English"; I got shocked by how I have made tons of mistakes in my writing.

If you write in plain language, readers can digest your thoughts easily. But if you don't know about Plain English, let me tell you.

Writing in plain English isn't rocket science. It is a way of writing that anyone can digest your content without opening a dictionary. Write an article in such a way; that even a 5th-grade reader has to understand your content easily.

Make an appealing headline and sub-headline. ❤️

I know you have written a well-researched article in plain English. But it will be worthless if you are unable to write appalling headlines. That creates an urgency to read your article.

Think about why people will click only on your article among the thousands of similar content 🤔.

They only click on your blog post by your unique style of headline. So you have to write an appealing headline that drives 10x more engagement.

Do you know? Multiple pieces of research found that people read an article or click on it only because of the great headline. So if you don't have the idea about how to write a unique headline that drives 10x more engagement, read my previous article.

Juice of this article. 🍹

  • Read for readers and do research before writing content.
  • Write for readers, not for you.
  • Use simple language. You don't have to write in complex fancy words.
  • Use infographics.
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Dilwar Choudhury
New Writers Welcome

Diltoshi is a freelance SEO-optimized content writer and crypto enthusiast☹︎ Hire me ⚡https://www.fiverr.com/dilwarch