5 Techniques That Help Me Overcome Analysis Paralysis

Break free from overwhelm and take action

Patrik Pátek
New Writers Welcome
5 min readJun 11, 2023


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We have all been there. The clock strikes 8:00, you settle down at your working table, fire up your computer and begin planning your work day. But as thoughts of numerous tasks you are supposed to do flood your mind, something takes hold. The overwhelming weight of everything you need to accomplish leaves you immobilized, incapable of taking any action. You find yourself stuck, staring at the screen, trapped in paralysis.

I can certainly relate to that experience. I find myself in this state more often than I would like to admit.

In this article, I want to share with you 5 techniques that are helping me overcome analysis paralysis every time.

While I apply these techniques one by one, I am sure that adopting even a single one can assist you in overcoming analysis paralysis.

1. Take a Break and Calm Down

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Every time I find myself struggling with the decision of what to do next, I simply take a break. Stepping away from the tasks at hand helps me clear my mind, recharge, and gain a fresh perspective.

One of my favorite use of the break is to go for a short walk, typically around 30 minutes. The simple act of moving my body and being in fresh air helps me regain control of my thoughts.

In addition to going for a walk, numerous other activities can effectively serve as a break and help reset your mind. Engaging in exercises like a quick workout, yoga session or any form of physical activity can release tension from your body. Alternatively, if you prefer a more productive break, you can tackle simple tasks around your house or workspace such as tidying up, cleaning, or organizing.

However, it is important to note that during your break, I highly recommend avoiding using your phone or browsing the internet on your computer. Detach those technologies as much as possible. Allow your thoughts to flow naturally through your head without relying on external stimuli.

2. Create an Optimal Work Environment

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Once I have calmed down and am ready to resume work, one crucial step I take is to eliminate all distractions and establish a clean workspace.

I start by tidying up my surroundings, making sure that my workspace is free of any unnecessary items and clutter. As part of this process, I have found it particularly helpful to place my phone on top of the wardrobe, situated on the other side of my room. This action helps me minimize distractions and mitigate the temptation to constantly check for new notifications or engage in mindless scrolling.

In addition, I clean my digital space as well. This involves closing irrelevant tabs in my browser and minimizing the number of open applications on my computer. I also ensure that all notifications and alerts on my devices are silenced.

When it comes to managing your workspace, adopting a minimalist approach can be highly beneficial.

3. Break Your Work into Smaller Tasks

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Your mind is refreshed, your workspace is organized, and you are ready to dive back into work. However, the daunting question remains: What should I start working on?

At this point, your tasks may still seem like gigantic, scary monsters lurking from the shadows and you feel unequipped with the necessary tools to defeat them.

In situations like these, I find it helpful to break each task into smaller, more manageable parts. For instance, when I am supposed to write a 15-page essay, I focus solely on writing the first chapter. After I am done, I move to the second chapter, then another, and another. This approach enables me to make progress without feeling overwhelmed by the entire task at once.

Additionally, focusing on completing one task at a time provides me with a sense of progress and achievement.

4. Set Realistic Goals

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After breaking your tasks into smaller parts and focusing on them one at a time, it is important to set realistic goals for yourself. I recommend evaluating each task and estimating the time required for its completion. Based on these estimations, you can then establish your daily goal.

I often find myself setting unrealistic goals for each day leading to feeling disappointed.

On the other hand, if I set realistic, easily achievable goals, I feel proud and motivated, and even end up doing more than I initially planned.

5. Let Go of Perfection and Start

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The final and crucial piece of advice to overcome analysis paralysis is to simply start.

Often, when I work on a task, I have a desire for perfection. I want to make sure that my work is the best it can be, which leads me to overthink my very first step. Unfortunately, this tendency to strive for perfection usually results in me making no progress at all.

Therefore, when faced with the paralysis of perfectionism, it is important to just take the first step. You will be surprised how much learning and growth come with taking action.

Overcoming analysis paralysis is essential for productivity and achieving our goals. By implementing the techniques discussed in this article I can overcome analysis paralysis and take meaningful action. I hope they can do the same for you.

Share your favorite techniques for overcoming analysis paralysis in the comments below.

Thank you for reading and good luck!



Patrik Pátek
New Writers Welcome

Law student by day⚖️programmer by night💻Passionate about personal growth🌱endless learning📚and developing skills🚀Join me on my journey to the real world🌍