5 Ways To Escape A Pit Bull’s Death Grip

Some Owners Really Need To Step Up

Anthony Lam
New Writers Welcome


A Pitbull on a leash, that might be aggressive
Photo By @fontesvitor On Unsplash

I absolutely adore dogs. In fact, I’m a proud owner of a golden retriever myself. However, when it comes to pit bulls, you just can’t argue with the statistics. They’re one of the worst breeds due to their predisposition to bite, attack, and maim.
In an instant, they can go from wagging their tails lovingly to ripping out chunks of muscle or tendon.

So, if you ever find yourself on the receiving end of an attack, here’s what you should do:

1. Finger in the nose
The first line of defense against a pit bull attack is to stick your thumb up its nostril. This can be excruciatingly painful as dogs have extremely sensitive noses, which they rely heavily on during hunting and play. If done correctly, this will cause the dog to let go and lose interest in you immediately.

2. Finger in Butt
Although this may sound like a joke, a finger up its butt will cause the dog to jump in surprise and release its grip. Although this is mostly in jest, you can still cause the dog a great deal of pain.

3. Finger in Eyes
Again, we’re aiming for a weak point. I’m not suggesting we gouge out its eyes; we’re still trying to be humane. Simply take your hand and apply…

