50 One-Sentence Medium Tips After Bagging 1,000 Followers

Tip 49 will shock you

Jay Krasnow
New Writers Welcome


Text reads “1,000”
Screenshot created by author from his desktop.

I started writing on Medium on November 19, 2018, but only started writing regularly in March 2020, when the pandemic hit. Since then, I’ve written 372 articles for the platform on my way to earning more than 1,000 followers.

Here are 50 bite-sized (one sentence each) tips that I’ve learned on my way to achieving this landmark. As appropriate, I’ve included links back to articles that provide contextual information on my tips.

50 One-Sentence Medium Tips

1. Even if you’re an experienced writer, it may take time before you gain some traction on Medium — possibly months.

2. Don’t expect your first article to go viral because it probably won’t.

3. You should welcome opposing opinions — as long as the tone is polite — because they may give ideas for new articles.

4. If you write enough, you will find your niche; mine are careers, writing, and creativity.

5. Feel free to report people who make racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, and anti-Semitic comments about your articles to Medium.

6. Feel free to delete comments from people who make racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, and anti-Semitic comments about…



Jay Krasnow
New Writers Welcome

Former CIA officer | Most-definite Southpaw — Mind Cafe | Better Marketing | Writers Cooperative | Publishous — Tweet: @JayKrasnow