51 Facts About Abraham Lincoln You Might Not Know

I Didn’t Know 34 Of These

Ellen Baker
New Writers Welcome


Photo by Sachith Ravishka Kodikara from Pexels
  1. Abraham Lincoln was the first president who was not born in the original 13 states.
  2. His mother passed away from drinking poisoned milk when he was young. He developed a strong bond with his stepmother, Sarah Bush Johnston. She nurtured his love of reading.
  3. As a small child, a horse kicked him in the head, and everyone thought that he was dead for several days.
Image by Christine Sponchia from Pixabay

4. Lincoln had very little schooling, amounting to about one year of formal learning. He did read extensively.

5. He did not have a middle name.

6. Mary Ann Todd married Lincoln. She came from one of the most wealthy families in Kentucky and her family disapproved of Lincoln’s poor background.

7. He married Mary Todd in 1842 and they lived in Springfield, Illinois near his law office. They had four children: Robert, Edward, William, and Thomas. Only Robert lived to adulthood.

8. Ironically, Mary’s family owned slaves, and some of her half-brothers fought for the Confederacy.



Ellen Baker
New Writers Welcome

Writing about the wonderful life of Nana/Mom, retired person who forgets she is not young anymore, and whatever else lghts an inner fire.