6 Powerful Mindful Techniques That Can Be a Game-Changer for Your Life

The mindful fundamentals for reaching higher levels of mindfulness practice.

Lauro Medina Jr.
New Writers Welcome
9 min readMar 12, 2022


A paper with the word Mindfulness written on it, placed on a window ledge with a blurred background of a landscape.
Photo by Lesly Juarez on Unsplash

What is the mind without the fullness of its visions, the dreams to transform, the aspirations of being whole? For this, I find truth in knowing the present and the moment that it perceives me in its presence. — Written by Lauro Medina Jr.

The lack of presence in today’s world has reached almost epidemic proportions. It seems as though we have forgotten the power of being present. Mindfulness is the practice of training your mind to be more alert and aware of your surroundings. By doing so, you can live a happier, healthier, and more fulfilling life.

In this blog, I will be sharing 5 of the most potent mindful technics that can change how you perceive the world around you through a new sense of perception.

1. Live Purposefully, and it will reward you

  • As a child, you always wanted to be a firefighter. You had this great image of being the hero and saving people from burning buildings. You found meaning in life because you imagined it to be so. Now that you are an adult, have you lost your significance? Do you think back to your childhood and see that firefighter dream slowly evaporate into the ether? Do you know your purpose? If not, I’ll help you find it.

The reason I put so much emphasis on purpose is that many of us are not living a life that we are genuinely passionate about. The biggest thing for me is finding my passion. Having a passion for your work/life allows you to think outside the box, create breakthroughs and do great things!

I guess everyone has to ask themselves, what’s the point? Why am I here? What is my purpose in life? What is the meaning of life? Who am I, and where do I fit in this big world.

I’ve always been a person that dreamt of seeing different places and meeting new people. When I was young, I always seemed curious about how people lived in other parts of the world and wanted to experience something impactful. We’re all searching for meaning. We desire to have a reason to live and be placed on this earth. When you realize that you were created for a purpose, you will find inner joy, fulfillment, and meaning in your life.

But what does it take to find your purpose?
The best suggestion that I can give anyone who wants to discover their purpose is to seek advice and professional guidance from a certified Life Purpose Coach. Tailoring a customized program to set you on the path using specified questions, technics, and exercises which can be game-changing for your life.

Takeaway: At the end of the road, when you have asked yourself, “did I truly live a fulfilled life on my terms”? Did I find my place, my niche in this world, and fully live it without regrets? What will be your answer?

2. Mindful Journaling for self-empowerment

  • Without a doubt, journaling is one of the most commonly used methods by people who desire to become more mindful. The premise is quite simple — by writing your thoughts down on paper, you can slow down, reflect, and appreciate life. It’s one of the things that doesn’t get talked about enough when discussing mindfulness.

Journaling is an easy practice that everyone should be doing at least once or twice a week, stopping to reflect on your day and how you’re feeling. I started keeping journals at the age of 8. Having been a very closed-off and introverted person all my childhood, I started, for some reason, to write things down, and it gave me a sense of empowerment. Journaling allowed me to understand myself on a deeper level, and it is because of journaling that I’m here today writing this blog.

This blog post will speak truth and wisdom on a topic that I feel is so often under-valued. I have seen many people try and fail to live their life mindfully. I want to offer you some insight into why journaling can be a tool for stepping into the present moment, growing in self-awareness, and living the experiences in your life.

The reason for journaling:

Journaling is one of the most effective ways to deal with your inner thoughts and feelings. If you’ve been struggling but feel no way out of whatever it is that’s holding you back, chances are journaling might be your best bet. Journaling can make a real difference in your life, whether you want to get to grips with past experiences that disturb your present life or want to manage what’s coming up in the future.

One of the best ways to improve your mental health is through journaling. By writing in a journal, you give yourself an outlet to deal with your feelings, experiences, and thoughts. The only thing better than journaling is mindfulness journaling. Mindfulness helps tap into the subconscious resulting in higher self-awareness and less stress, anxiety, and depression. If you haven’t tried mindfulness yet, this could be the perfect time to give it a go.

Takeaway: Setting up a journal can be an effective tool for placing things into perspective and helping you to see things with more clarity. challenge yourself this year to journal, and I would know your feedback in my response area.

3. Take a moment for yourself

  • If we want the best for ourselves, our relationships with others, and the planet we live on, we need to make time for ourselves. Taking a little bit of time for self-care can go a long way toward making today and every day brighter.

We all feel exhausted, stressed, and overworked at times, and what we need right now is some time for ourselves to breathe and relax. But life is too busy, and we don’t have the time to sit and relax.

Time has become so precious that even though it has no value, it has become priceless in every way. We spend our entire day taking care of other people, busy with endless things to do, and never giving up on life. We sometimes tend to forget ourselves in the process, but that’s not how it should be.

Now comes the time when you will learn how to take out some time from your daily schedule for yourself; acknowledge, appreciate and respect this precious gift in the best possible way for a better tomorrow. Taking time to unwind, reflect, and seek wellness is more than something you should do; it’s something you need to do for yourself.

Takeaway: We have grown disconnected from going inward in such a fashion that it’s as if we were strangers to our-self. Reunite with your spirituality, and tap into that inner stream of self-awareness.

4. Notice More

  • Sometimes, things pass us by when we go through life so focused on our own needs, by being sensitive and sympathetic to those around us because sadly, in this world, there are so many people suffering or going through something that isn’t always apparent to others.

How many times a day do you think people are going through something they feel like they can’t share with anyone because they feel alone?

Live life slower and look around. Notice the little things around you. Appreciate the little things. Someone is picking up after themselves in public, a child learning to ride a bike, or even a stranger holding the door for you. And don’t forget to show gratitude for the little things like fresh air or a lovely song playing on the radio.

Go through life with eyes open, be sensitive to those around you, seek out things that can inspire you, help you grow as a human being, and make you more empathic towards others. Please make it a habit to look around you and notice the little things actively. Appreciate the gifts of being alive, like feeling your heartbeat or being able to handle the sun on your face.

We are all busy, and we tend to zoom right by people. We walk right past them and don’t notice them.

That person on the street in the wheelchair with outstretched hand, that panhandler begging for small change, ignored. I know that it may seem like a good idea to slow down at first glance, but I promise you the quote mentioned above is valid:

There is always time to make a difference. It’s sad, but we go through life never noticing the people that need help. We walk through life with blinders and only care about things that affect us. Now it’s time to take action and help those around you, whether with a simple smile or with a prayerful heart. If you want to change the world, you need to start with people around you.

Takeaway: We sometimes keep an inner circle of family and friends that we can trust, loved ones that we confide in, not consciously knowing that we don’t concern ourselves with those outside of this circle. We feel that the concern for others is not our business, and it has birthed such self-centeredness and disconnection for sensitivity, empathy, and love.

5. Consciously pick your words

  • Sometimes we speak without first thinking, and we say things that hurt someone else. We judge their actions or words and tell them that such actions or words are stupid or wrong. We call ourselves stupid or wrong for doing or saying something, and we give bad energy to our life. To say we do not remember the words we speak is not true, as they leave an imprint within you.

Every word we speak leaves a trace of what you are, and what you will be. The words that flow from our mouths are continuously influencing us, and at times can be more powerful and explosive than what may seem from a superficial point of view. In reality, though, these words only have power if you allow them to.

Speaking powerful words into your being through affirmations and releasing these words to others is a powerful tool implemented into your life. When you declare out loud: “I am stupid,” “I can’t do this,” or even “I hate you,” all these forms of thoughts bring on the same effect in your life. There is no way to transform this negative energy into a different result; these thoughts stay within you and prevent you from growing into something extraordinary.

Takeaway: We must be calculating and strategic before releasing our words into the universe. Speak life and positivity to those you speak to, to your being, because these words will manifest back into your life. Your comments are mighty, and they can either build or destroy.

6. Take a deep breath

  • How many times have you heard someone say “If I ever ran into that idiot, I’d like to strangle him!” or “I wish that jerk would just go away.”? One of the best technics when feeling angry is to breathe deeply and relax.

Breathing deeper helps calm the nervous system and relaxes tense muscles, which should help you calm down. Many emotions like anxiety, fear, anger, stress, depression cause us to breathe narrow or shallow. We can become so accustomed to this breathing that we don’t even realize we’re not using our lungs entirely.

Of course, this will not turn you into a calm person overnight. And when you begin feeling angry, it’s hard to know how to relax and calm down. However, learning how to do so is a skill that takes practice, but it does pay off in the end if you commit yourself to do it every time you feel angry.

Qigong is an Ancient Chinese deep breathing exercise practiced for 5,000 years. Its deep breathing postures are amongst the most powerful and unmatched in the world. It is considered the number one choice for developing inner peace and well-being.

Takeaway: Anger is a precursor of death, of a stressor so potent in your very being that it can only produce adverse outcomes within you. Letting anger go is the act of renouncing an evil that can take over the cell of your body, creating disease. Breath Deeply and allow yourself to forgive.

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Lauro Medina Jr.
New Writers Welcome

Lauro Medina,Ph.D, is a Kung Fu & Qigong Hall of Famer/Professional Life Coach/NLP Master Practitioner/Passionate Writer/Up and Coming Author/laurom67@gmail.com