6 Things I do Every Night to Set Myself up for Success in the Morning

Because you are what you repeatedly do

Briana Belcher
New Writers Welcome


Photo by Sincerely Media on Unsplash

It’s currently 12:28 am, and I’m lying in bed. It was time for me to hit the sheets, but I got to thinking about everything I had just finished doing, which led to me getting ready to shut my eyes. I decided that my nightly routine was story worthy. So, here are the six things I do every night to set myself up for success in the morning.

1. Clean my kitchen

The beginning of the end of my night starts with cleaning my kitchen. I cannot function with the mess. There is no way I could sleep all night peacefully knowing that toys haven’t been put away, dishes haven’t been washed, or the living room straightened. So, after cooking, I run the dishwasher and wipe down the countertops. I gather the toys and have my kids put them away, then I sweep and spot mop the floors. Once I’m done with all of this, I light a candle. I do this every single night because every day is a new start, and I want to start off right.

2. Self care regimen

After cleaning up, I always do my nightly self-care routine, which includes washing my face and applying my moisturizer. Then, I brush my teeth and whiten my teeth for 12 minutes. Afterwards, I tie my hair up, so…



Briana Belcher
New Writers Welcome

Housewife who writes blog posts while drinking coffee & running after 3kids! | Writing about side hustles, finances, & self improvement✨ IG: @thebrianabelcher