60 New Year’s Resolution Ideas for 2024:

Goals that will get you excited about 2024.

Avuma Flatela
New Writers Welcome
3 min readDec 5, 2023


Photo by Peter Fogden on Unsplash

It is officially vision board season. As you get ready to search Pinterest for ideas, you might want to read this article first. I have compiled a list of ideas of things that you might want to work on this upcoming year. Pick whatever resonates and feel free to customize this list to fit you and your life. Please pull as much inspiration as you can find in this article.

Mental Health/Self-Care:

  • Journal daily before going to bed
  • Meditate for 5 minutes every morning
  • Sleep at 9 pm every night
  • Write 3 things you are grateful for before going to bed
  • Have a one-song length dance party at least once a week
  • Take a cold shower at least once a week
  • Have an admin day every first day of the month
  • Have a day off work once a week
  • Find a therapist
  • Make an appointment with a psychiatrist

Physical Health:

  • Workout at least 3 times a week
  • Cook at home at least 5 days a week
  • Make a healthy recipe from Pinterest at least once a week
  • Discover which form of exercise you most enjoy
  • Attend a spin class once a week
  • Lift 50 kg of weights in the gym
  • Make a healthy smoothie at least once a week
  • Go on a 20 minute walk once a day
  • Drink at least 2 litres of water everyday
  • Lose 10 kg of fat
  • Gain 15 kg of muscle


  • Invest 30% of your monthly income
  • Pay off all your student loan
  • Pay all your credit card debt
  • Put 10% of your income in a high-yield savings account
  • Make $1000 from your blog monthly
  • Start a YouTube channel
  • Enrol 200 students this year in your program
  • Get 80 clients this year
  • Ask your boss for a raise
  • Get a long-term remote job


  • Make 3 new friends
  • Call your friend at least once a week
  • Get a mentor
  • Call your mother every morning
  • Eat lunch with your co-workers
  • Go to the city bookclub every month
  • Go to a social event alone once every 3 months and talk to the people there
  • Have a solo date once a month
  • Meet up with your bestfriend once a month


  • Spend 10 minutes every evening learning Afrikaans
  • Finish knitting a scarf
  • Finish writing a screenplay
  • Learn how to bake
  • Learn how to swim
  • Take a free emotional processing course
  • Learn how to juggle
  • Learn how to say no
  • Attend a seminar on how to market your business
  • Speak in front of an audience of at least 20 people


  • Pray every morning
  • Read one verse of your book of religion everyday
  • Meditate for 15 minutes before doing anything else
  • Write 3 things you are grateful for every morning
  • Go to your place of worship every week
  • Listen to one song of worship every day

I hope you got some ideas on what to put on your vision board. Make sure to personalise every goal for you. Set goals that make you feel hopeful and excited about the future. Dream big and don’t let your mind limit you. You can be and do anything that you put your mind to. You are incredible and your dreams matter.

Have the balls to go after what you really want this upcoming you. You’ve got this!

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Avuma Flatela
New Writers Welcome

I am a psychology student on my journey to becoming my best self. This is a personal development blog to help you enhance your life. avumaflatela@gmail.com