7 Life Lessons for Teenagers

How to live a life of honor that you could never even imagine

Mindful Market
New Writers Welcome
5 min readJan 31, 2023


Photo by Sander Sammy on Unsplash

So, ladies and gentlemen, I struggled a lot in my teenage years and I wish someone had told me these 7 life lessons that I am about to share with you because I had to learn them the hard way.

I am saving you years and years of pain, struggle, and soul searching that I went through. So, listen up.

1. You Need To Extend Your Timeline

And I know that is very difficult when you are on TikTok and you see these 18 year old, 21 year old millionaires sitting there with tens of millions of dollars, and you start having that feeling of pressure to achieve a certain level of success within a short time frame, and you think to yourself that you need to rush when quite frankly, you don’t.

Additionally, it’s important to remember that the success stories you see online or in the media often don’t show the full picture of the time and effort that went into achieving that success.

So Give yourself the time and space to build a strong foundation and work towards your goals in a sustainable way.

Now I will say if you can get rich faster. Go for it. If you can learn a high income skill . If you can start a side gig, that turns into small little business and then turns into a very large business. Go for it, but just alleviate the pressure.

Stop thinking you need to become a millionaire in a year or two years. And please keep your foot on the gas. Keep pressing.

The next life lesson is,

2. Walk With Purpose.

Walking with purpose means to move forward with intention and direction. When you walk down the street, keep your shoulders back, look straight ahead, and walk with a clear direction.

It’s important to exude confidence and give off the impression that you know where you’re going.

This can be applied not just physically, but also in your daily life. When you have a goal or a plan, approach it with a sense of purpose and determination.

This can be difficult when you’re a teenager and still figuring out your path in life, but it’s important to have a sense of direction and to not just aimlessly go through the motions.

Not only will this help you make the most of your time, but it will also give you a sense of accomplishment and self-worth.

3. Focus On Practicality And Not Purpose.

I hear this thing all the time, “Oh, I’m not starting because I just need to find my purpose, I need to find my passion.”

Stop it. Focus on practicality. When you are a teenager, you will not know your purpose. You will not know your mission. And even in your twenties, even at the phase I’m in, it will morph and it will change.

So instead, focus on practicality, on learning high-income skills, on starting businesses or careers, on getting an apprenticeship or even a low paying job that isn’t the destination of where you want to get to, but a one that will teach you the core foundation and the core principles that you’ll need, to then go on and succeed later on in your twenties.

It’s important to remember that finding your true purpose may take time and that’s completely normal. But by focusing on practical skills or starting a career, you’re setting yourself up for a successful future, regardless of the path you ultimately choose to take.

4. Focus On Becoming a Gentleman in This World, Especially in The West.

Gentlemen, let’s be real here. We’ve all witnessed some truly unsavory behavior from our peers. And it’s no wonder that so many women treat us with disrespect when some of us don’t even deserve it.

But don’t let that discourage you & don’t listen to those guys who mock you for being a “simp” because you open doors for a lady, pay for a date, or treat her with kindness. They’ve clearly never stepped foot in the real world.

The way I was raised, being a man means being chivalrous. It means paying for the bill, even if it means working extra hard to afford it. And if you’re in a tight spot financially, that’s okay too. Just don’t take a girl out to dinner until you can do so with dignity.

Put your head down, focus on your goals, and when the time comes, you’ll be able to treat a woman like the queen she is.

As young men, it’s crucial that we learn these values. If you want to be a man of honor, a man who earns respect, it starts with learning how to treat a woman with the respect and courtesy she deserves.

5. I Want You To Enjoy The Journey.

My dear friends, I want you to remember that these are your glory years, these years right now as a teenager are the years that you’re going to look back at with fondness.

I can attest to this, as my most cherished memories were from the year before I started my first business at 16, and the couple of years following. Though they were challenging and required sacrifices, I have so much appreciation for them now.

So, if life feels difficult or hard right now, take a moment to appreciate it. These are the years you’ll be reminiscing about in a decade or two, when you’re sitting on your beachfront property with your buddies cigar in hand.

Embrace the challenges, because they will only make the memories sweeter.

6. I Want You To Start Investing Now.

And I don’t care if it’s $10 a week or $30 a week or $50, whatever you can do, even if it’s $5 a week, it’s not about the money and it’s not about, you know, the eighth wonder of the world that is “compound interest”, because I’ll be honest, at this age, it really doesn’t matter.

And hopefully in a few years you should be making a very, very good income that far exceeds anything you could ever make from investing.

All it comes down to is simply good habits.

7. Focus On Building Muscle And Your Physique, Especially Between The Ages Of 16 to 22.

Gentlemen, let me tell you, if you can make it to the gym, if you can commit to a fitness routine, whether it’s a traditional bodybuilding split, powerlifting, CrossFit, or any other form of exercise, building muscle at a young age will give you a lifelong advantage.

As men, our testosterone levels begin to decline in our mid-twenties and beyond, so take advantage of these years while you can.

Lift heavy weights, push yourself, and train hard. Building muscle now will not only give you a physical advantage, but it will also create a strong mind-muscle connection that will serve you well for the rest of your life

At The End,

if you follow these 7 life lessons, these 7 principles, you will live a life of abundance.
You will live a life of honor that you could never even imagine. And as always, I’ll be watching from afar and I’ll be rooting for you.

Peace out! 🖐️🎤



Mindful Market
New Writers Welcome

I have the best God d*mn content on this platform! NGL!! If you don't walk away smarter or educated, you'll get a few chuckles at the bare minimum. ON GOD!