7 Signs That You Are Mature Beyond Your Age

Uncover the traits of a matured mindset.

Afaque Ashraf Janzai
New Writers Welcome
3 min readAug 7, 2023


Photo by Nicolas Horn on Unsplash

They say age is just a number.

And it couldn’t be more true.

Since, I have seen individuals — and I believe you too have — who look grown up but act stupidly and immaturely.

The same is true the other way around.

People are mature in their attitude and way of conducting themselves and others.

And you can be the man who is limited just by his age.

In this article, we shall see the signs that if one possesses, he or she is ahead of his or her age.

These signs are significant and give the person the clues for self-assessment if he is lacking in one or two points.

1. They think pragmatically

One of the characteristics that distinguish mature people from immature ones is their realistic and self-aware nature. They know they don’t live in a fantasy world where everything will revolve around them. They understand that they aren’t the main character in everyone’s story.

They know that there are limits to things they can do. That’s why rather than reacting impulsively, they take time to think things through and approach matters practically.

2. They are bound to their words

A mature person always thinks before they speak or acts. They make sure that whatever comes out of their mouth, they follow through it with their entire soul.

That’s the reason a mature person often has an enigma of a calm person. They don’t rush to speak and make promises, they listen and process.

And once they give their words to someone, they will ensure that they are carried out to the last letter.

3. They speak less and argue less

That might be one of the most prominent and distinct features of a mature person. That is, they have a very neutral and open mind.

They realize that they can be wrong too. That they are not an omniscient, all-knowing figure. That’s why they prefer to listen rather than be a chatterbox.

That’s also the reason they abstain from arguing. They understand that everyone has their views about the subject and appreciates it.

4. They are fine being Lonely

A mature person isn’t bothered by being lonely or not having company. They are fine to be all alone. They make sure to have a fraction of time for themselves now and then.

Nonetheless, they can be social but they don’t entirely rely on others to soothe themselves.

5. They embrace themselves completely

A mature person isn’t ashamed of their flaws and shortcomings. They are fine with being unpopular and unexceptional.

They are fine with their average looks. They are fine with their finances. They are fine with the circumstances they live in.

They accept and embrace their situation and are rather grateful.

6. They don’t run from responsibilities

Action speaks louder than words. Mature people are mature in their deeds.

They are always in for new experiences and don’t shy away from responsibilities.

They even realize that by taking responsibility, they bear the burden of every slip. However, it doesn’t shake them and they accept the blame wholeheartedly.

It makes them more dependable and their friends and colleagues are more comfortable around them.

7. They have a thirst for knowledge

Knowledge is power. A mature person grasp and understand the meaning behind this statement.

They understand that to speak, they must know. Hence, they are a keen seeker of knowledge and an avid reader too.

They read to increase their perspective and to become aware of the world’s nuances.

It makes them more authoritative and sound in everyday gatherings. On top of that, it benefits them to comprehend the reasoning of others.

Maturity is A Journey

Maturity isn’t something that comes to you suddenly. It is developed by the experiences and occurrences one has in his life.

It’s a journey and way of life, and to become truly mature, one must willingly embark on it.

They must voluntarily put themselves into unpleasant situations. They must confront the outer world and endure suffering.

It can take some time but will make you a better and more sophisticated version of yourself. And the earlier you embark on this journey, the better it is.

