7 Signs That Your Friend Might Be Struggling With Their Mental Health.

And How To Help!

Niti singh
New Writers Welcome
5 min readFeb 2, 2022


Photo by Alex Iby on Unsplash

As of 2021, on a global level, the number of people that suffer from mental health or substance use disorder are 970 million while 3.4% of the people suffer from depression. There is a majority of females suffering from mental illness.

It’s not easy to tell if someone is suffering from mental illness or not because there can be different signs for different illnesses but in this article, I will be talking about some common symptoms that can be seen in a person suffering from mental illness.

There are many chances that your friend or close ones might be suffering from mental illness at this point of time and if you doubt, here are some signs that can help you know:

1. Emotional Outbursts

There are different reactions and ways of expressing feelings for different persons, if you are close to someone you understand their reactions and moods in a situation. But if you notice a sudden change in their reaction or mood, you should take a look at whether they are fine or not.

If they react to matters with excessive aggression, joy, or sadness which doesn’t match the situation, there can be chances that they are suffering from mental illness. If they start to overreact to a situation and become sad or aggressive more easily it may be a sign of danger. Just look after their actions.

2. Excessive Sleeping or Lack of Sleep

Changes in sleep patterns are a common symptom of depression and can also become a cause of it. If there is a dramatic change in an individual’s sleep patterns, like, they are sleeping too much or they are avoiding sleep, it can be a sign that they are struggling with their mental health.

3. Change in Physical Appearance

When a person is suffering mentally there are changes in their physical appearance, their weight is either increased or decreased. Sometimes, people increase or decrease their weight for health purposes but if the change is rapid, it can be a sign of them dealing with mental illness.

The person also stops to take care of their hygiene or appearance as they did earlier. They often look tired and sad.

4. Social Withdrawal

Sometimes everyone needs their personal space and “me” time, but if your loved ones or friend constantly withdraw themselves from social activities, it may be a sign that they are struggling.

If your friend constantly cancels social gatherings or isolates himself and avoids talking to people, they might be suffering from depression.

5. Changes in what they say to you or others

When people are struggling with their mental health they often say things that are running on their minds constantly. If you pay attention to it, you can identify the signs that they need help. Some of the things they say are :

“I can’t make anyone happy”

“I’ve let people down”

“I wish I could just not wake up”

“I’m totally worthless”

They make negative comments about their appearance and weight.

6. Substance abuse

Using substances can not only be a sign of mental illness but can also contribute to it. People who use substances to cope, such as alcohol or drugs can be a sign that they are struggling with their mental health.

7. Changes in behavior or feelings

People who are struggling with their mental health, start with changes in their behavior and feelings. If they do not enjoy the things they loved to do and are not as productive and efficient as they were earlier, this can be a sign that they are not fine. They are many behavioral changes that take place like:

Feeling anxious or worried

Many times we feel worried and stressed but constant worrying or stress can lead to anxiety and depression. If the person feels constantly anxious and gets worried or stressed easily they may be suffering from depression. The symptoms of anxiety include Breath shortness, headache, sweating, etc.

Feeling guilty or worthless

Constant thoughts of guilt and failure are possible signs of depression. If they make frequent negative comments about their appearance and blame themselves for everything, they may need your help. If this lasts for a longer period they can have suicidal thoughts as well, and in this case, they need urgent help.

How to help a friend who is not well?

It’s not easy to tell whether a friend is struggling mentally or not because many of these signs may grow gradually and not seem serious at first. If you are willing to help, you should first educate yourself about mental health and what it feels like to struggle with it.

You should start a conversation with your friend about their change in behavior and moods. If they show warning signs of suicide or you believe they might harm themselves you should urgently call 911.

Things You Should Never Say to a depressed person

Sometimes we say things to our loved ones with the intention to make them feel good but it comes out the other way and we end up hurting them. These are some things that you should avoid saying:

  • “You should try harder!”
  • “It’s just in your head.”
  • “You don’t look depressed.”
  • “It’s not that bad.”

Things To Say To Make Them Feel Comfortable

While someone is suffering, your words can make them feel that they are not alone and have your support when they need it. Some of the things you should say are:

  • “If you want to talk about it, I’m always there for you.”
  • “How are you managing? Is there something I can help with?”
  • “You're important to me.”

Where To Get Help?

You should reach out to a primary health care doctor and consult with them. They can provide a treatment plan that can include therapy, lifestyle changes, and medications.

Lastly, whenever you notice a dramatic change in the lives of your close ones, consider talking about their mental health and pay close attention if the change lasts for a long period. Never hesitate in asking whether they need help and connect them with counseling and treatment services.



Niti singh
New Writers Welcome

📚 Exploring the Pages of Life | 21 | Passionate writer and enthusiastic reader | Join me on a journey through emotions and stories 🌟