7 Steps For Superior Self Confidence

You can boost your self-esteem. You don’t have to wait for someone else to do it for you.

Ameer Suhail
New Writers Welcome
4 min readOct 4, 2022


Photo by Adeolu Eletu on Unsplash

You may not be able to control everything in life, but you can control your self-confidence. Read on to discover seven ways to boost your self-confidence today!

Start by evaluating yourself and your talents.

What are your strengths? What do you enjoy doing? What are your goals, and how do they align with the things that matter most to you in life (and why)? These are all important questions to ask yourself because they’ll help clarify what kind of person you want to be.

Once we know where our strengths lie, it’s time to look at some weaknesses or areas where we need improvement — both because those are important steps toward self-improvement and also because knowing these things can help us avoid making mistakes later down the road!

Once you know what you’re good at, improve it.

Identify your strengths: What are the things that make you stand out from other people? Are there any skills or experiences that come naturally to your daily life? If so, consider improving on them.

Maybe an interest in art might be a strength for some people; maybe others have a knack for playing several instruments at once (or even just one!). The point is that there’s no limit to what we can learn and grow — as long as we put our minds toward making those improvements happen!

Identify your weaknesses: Even though we’ve already talked about how self-confident people tend not to worry about what other people think of them, they still need strategies in place so they don’t fall back into old habits when faced with challenges later down the line.”

Build your own personal success story (or stories).

The best way to increase self-confidence is to build your own personal success story (or stories). It’s one thing to read about other people who have had success, but it’s another thing entirely when you can actually see how they achieved it and use their experiences as inspiration for yourself.

The first step in building your own personal success story is starting with a positive one. This could be a simple achievement like shedding 5% of your weight or writing your first blog post.

Next up? Taking credit where credit is due: You don’t need much more than internal motivation here — this doesn’t mean overdoing it with self-congratulatory tweets or posting pictures of yourself looking great all over social media (although if those things work for you then go ahead). Instead, just focus on thinking about how proud and excited everyone would be if they knew how hard everyone else worked until now so they could finally see results from their hard work themselves!

Identify the things that inspire you to take action.

If you’re looking for inspiration and motivation, look at your life. What inspires you to take action? What makes you feel good about yourself? What makes others like or love you?

Identify these things in yourself and then identify the same qualities in others around you. Look for the positive aspects of their behaviors and attitudes, and emulate them as much as possible.

Set goals for yourself.

Setting goals is a great way to help you stay motivated and achieve your goals. It’s also important not to set big goals, like “I want to be fit” or “I want to lose weight”. Instead, define what it is that you want: for example, losing 5% body fat or increasing your bench press by 1kg.

When setting these types of goals, it’s helpful to write down all the things that are holding you back from achieving them — and start working on them right away

Get out of your comfort zone.

If you want to become more self-confident, it’s important to get out of your comfort zone. You might be tempted to stay in the same place and not challenge yourself. But if you don’t push yourself, then how will you grow?

Live according to your values.

In order to build your self-confidence, you must live according to your values. Values are the things that matter to you and what you believe in. They can be religious, political, or personal. Your values help guide your behavior by making it easier for you to choose between right and wrong decisions when it comes time for action.

Remember that self-confidence comes from within and from living in a way that’s true to you. It doesn’t just happen — you have to work at it.

If you want to be truly confident, then you have to live in a way that’s true to your values — not someone else’s. You have to be willing to show up as the real you and not hide behind facades or masks.


Confidence is a powerful thing. It can help you get what you want and it can make your life more enjoyable. But the key is finding out where your confidence comes from — and then using it to move forward with confidence.

It’s also important not to confuse self-confidence with arrogance or vanity because those qualities tend to be very unattractive and actually hold you back from achieving success in life. If we all have enough self-confidence, then everyone will succeed!



Ameer Suhail
New Writers Welcome

A Passionate Writer. I write about Life, Relationship and Self-improvement. I also write Poems