7 Ways to Relieve Stress & Anxiety

Natalia Costa
New Writers Welcome
4 min readNov 11, 2021


Managing stress is a necessity in the age we are living. We seem to be constantly on the run and fear and anger are consistently instigated through news and media. The message “you’re not good enough exactly as and where you are” coupled with “you are not safe” are viral wherever we look at in our societies.

Anxiety is a normal response to stress. And with it comes a wide variety of symptoms such as change in the heart beat rate, shallow breathing and constant restlessness. These feelings are often experienced with an overly active appetite (emotional eating) and an incapacity for sleeping.

Here are 7 proven ways for you to relieve stress and anxiety:

1 — Spending Time in Nature

Breathing the negative ions you can find by the sea or in a forest has amazing health benefits for the body and the mind. Being in nature has a soothing effect in your nervous system and activates the sense of awe discharging our dense energy and getting you back to balance again.

2 — Sleeping Well

Your cognitive response to stress will be much stronger if you manage to sleep well. Lack of sleep changes your perception of danger and therefore it creates more stress. It also makes you eat more as a means to compensate for the lack of energy. If you sleep…



Natalia Costa
New Writers Welcome

Human being 🐒 Engineer by day, Poet by night ☯️ Writing about emotional intelligence A.K.A. applied quantum physics. www.bynataliacosta.com