8 easy and powerful tips to manage stress and anxiety

Level up your life with these daily habits

New Writers Welcome
5 min readSep 19, 2024


Photo by Zac Durant on Unsplash

In this fast pacing lifestyle of hustle and grind, we often forget to take the time for ourselves to destress. This causes more burnout and lack of motivation. The cycle continues and all we fail to realise how easy it is to stop this. I have enlisted 8 easy ways here to reduce stress and live a peaceful life.

1. Master your breath

Breathwork is the easiest remedy for all your anxiety problems. It has the power to soothe your nervous system instantly.

Photo by Angelina Sarycheva on Unsplash

The best way to go about it is to take 2 deep inhalations, the first one being long and deep the second one being sharp and fast and one exhalation being slow and steady. When you take one inhalation, your lungs do not expand to their full capacity, no matter how deep it is. But, when you take two, you can completely expand and take in the longest breath that your lungs are capable of.

2. Grounding

This is the easiest thing that you can do for yourself. This method has a lot of positive impacts on your mental health. It not only lowers stress by regulating your nervous system but also improves mood, sleep and even inflammation! The negatively charged ions from the earth act as antioxidants and heal your body, even more than your daily supplements.

Photo by Lucas Sankey on Unsplash

So the next time you get a chance, get out there, and walk barefoot on the earth. Be mindful of where you are and be completely present in the moment. My favourite technique to do this is the 54321 (or 5, 4, 3, 2, 1) method. This involves identifying 5 things you can see, 4 things you can touch, 3 things you can hear, 2 things you can smell, and 1 thing you can taste.

3. Downtime

Downregulation is as important as the grind. Your nervous system needs to rest by slowing down and relaxing the body, even when you’re awake. The best time to do this is in the night when you’re about to sleep. You can do this by having a consistent night routine. It doesn’t have to be anything too extravagant, dimming the lights and staying away from your phone could be your initial steps as a beginner. I recommend journaling or light reading, along with some sleep meditation. By doing this, you will have a great sleep and wake up feeling rejuvenated.

4. Movement

It has been scientifically proven that any kind of disorder related to the brain (including overthinking, stress and anxiety) can be cured by regular movement. Make sure to include at least 45 minutes of workouts in your life. Although strength training and cardio have their specific benefits, you can use any form of movement as long as it makes you sweat. It could be yoga, walking, stretching or even dancing.

Photo by Andre Hunter on Unsplash

5. Cold baths and sauna

Cold baths boost your dopamine and sauna boosts endorphin levels in your body. These are essential hormones that are required by your body to live, a healthy and peaceful life. The hormone endorphin is meant to destress your body as a relief of pain, anger and any form of chronic stress. The hormone dopamine acts as your body’s motivator. It is preferred to take cold baths in the morning as it sets the tone of your body for an active day ahead. A sauna is usually preferred at night as it relaxes your body and makes you ready for bed.

6. Magnesium

Magnesium not only improves your sleep and mood but also regulates your blood sugar levels. This is extremely important as we are constantly exposed to calorie-rich foods in our lives. I recommend taking natural sources of magnesium since it is one of the healthiest and the most non-toxic ways to improve your health. However, you can take supplements as well, depending on your personal choice. Some foods extremely rich in magnesium are avocados, beans, soya products seafood, such as fatty fish, whole grains, and leafy greens.

7. Prioritise sleep

You have to prioritise your sleep, come what may. Even if you have one of your most important life events the day after, you have to prioritise your sleep and get into bed on time. The best way to maintain your circadian rhythm is to go out in the morning sunlight. Watching the sunrise or sunset helps you fall asleep on time. This is important because when you sleep, there are certain hormones released inside your brain, which are necessary for good mental, emotional, and physical health.

8. Avoid stimulants

Any kind of stimulant in your lifestyle has a wide range of negative effects on your body. You need to cut down on your coffee, tea, cocaine, amphetamines and other stimulants and slowly try to reduce them. Although this may seem difficult at the start, I promise you that the results are beyond fruitful, you will not only have an elevated mood but also improve your sleep, cardiovascular and neurological system. I can tell from my own experience that eliminating coffee from my life has been one of the most rewarding decisions I have ever made. Although I sometimes crave the energy boost, I have a much Healthy sleep schedule and no longer suffer from constipation or mood swings.



New Writers Welcome

Hey there! I’m a human being having a spiritual experience. If you’re ready to step into the next version of yourself, hit the follow button!