8 Reasons Why You Should Be Writing Articles That Nobody Reads

There are many benefits of writing material for an audience that doesn’t exist

Ryan Trincieri 🖋️
New Writers Welcome


Foto door Pixabay: https://www.pexels.com/nl-nl/foto/bruin-houten-bureau-159618/

I’m here to tell you that writing articles that nobody reads is the best thing you’ll ever do. I know it sounds crazy — isn’t all content supposed to be read by someone?

What if no one wants to read your ideas, or what if they’re not interested in your topic?

Does that mean your blog or website is worthless?

The answer is a resounding “NO!” There are many benefits of writing material for an audience that doesn’t exist:

1. You’re not alone!

There are many people who have written articles that nobody reads, and there is a growing community of them on social media.

If you’re looking for some companionship, try Twitter or Facebook. You’ll find many accounts with similar interests to yours — people who have written articles that nobody reads!

2. You still have…



Ryan Trincieri 🖋️
New Writers Welcome

Freelance writer and coach, expert in self-improvement, finance , health & fitness. Get tips & inspiration Contact: ryantrincieri@gmail.com