A 7-Step Blueprint for Achieving Success in Your Field

A Blueprint for Achieving Your Goals. Yes it exists.

New Writers Welcome
4 min readOct 5, 2023


Photo by Divya Agrawal on Unsplash

What does success mean?

The meaning of success is subjective and different for different people. Not everyone wants to be covered in money, some just want to do their thing and be happy. Some people find satisfaction in their intellectual or artistic pursuits, not everyone want to be jacked millionaires. Some just want to live a good life with their family, that’s success for them, and that’s great!

What you can see below is a blueprint I made to get to the top of any field.

My Blueprint to Become Successful


You must believe deep down that you can do what you’re doing; not as a superiority complex, but as immense faith in yourself that you can do it.

I’ve seen that many artists have an inferiority complex, and that is natural. Light can only exist where there is darkness. If there is no darkness, light has no significance.

That inferiority complex is important because if it isn’t there, self-belief is gonna change into a superiority complex real quick.

“The thing by which we’re controlled the most is our perception of ourselves, so make it awesome!”

Who are you around?

The incentives and the pressures that move us along and push us forward are those of the people around us.

People who you are around dictate your reality. So, try to get in touch with people who are on the same path as you and can give you competition.

But of course, as with any other thing, this does not work for everyone. Some people just want to be left alone with their thing. If you’re that kind, good for you! But if you’re not, try to find similar people, you’re gonna grow faster.

“How far you go is the consequence of who you surround yourself with.”

Sheer ability to get back up

The higher you try to go, the harder you’ll fall. So you need to learn how to get back up every-fucking-time.

There is boredom, sadness, betrayal, impatience, frustration, and other negative elements when you’re on your journey, and you need the ability to get back up and continue grinding to succeed.

This is one of the most important skills you need to succeed. Because you’ll have to get up after failures, and there’s no way you’re succeeding without facing a fuck ton of failures first.

“Feeling sad, crying, blaming yourself, are all acceptable; but not trying again is unacceptable.”

Impulse control

One way of looking at success is stacking one good decision over another again and again. To make good and right decisions, you’d have to have control over your emotions and impulses.

That doesn’t mean you’re not allowed to let your emotions flow. You can cry, be joyful, and get frustrated; but don’t make decisions at that time.

“Embrace your emotions, but don’t let them dictate your decisions.”

Hard work

One more problem is that humans are lazy and don’t want to work hard, instead they hardly work.
But for people who can put that “don’t want to aside and keep showing up to work every day, nothing can stop them from succeeding.

“Success rewards those who choose hard work over hardly working.”

Discipline and sacrifice

All meaningful things require a certain level of pain times before pleasure. All the things that are worth accomplishing are behind the wall of great discipline and sacrifice.

Talented and hard-working people generally level out at the top. What then remains is sheer fucking discipline and consistency.

“If you don’t sacrifice for what you want, what you want becomes the sacrifice.” — Anonymous

Enjoy what you’re doing.

Yes! The most important point in this article. Enjoy what you’re doing.
If you don’t enjoy it, you can’t sustain doing it.

Don’t try to go with the trends or those Instagram gurus who tell you what to do because it has a lot of “scope”. Listen to yourself. What do you want to do? Ask yourself. Figure it out yourself.

“Figure out what you want to do, and then chase it like a dog!”

This list may not cover everything so if you can tell me what I missed, it would be of great help! Thank you.

“Is it over?”
Yes, the article is over, thank you for reading till here.

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That’s it. Go on now. Spread some love. Do some shit. Bye!



New Writers Welcome

I write about a variety of topics. I like to study human behaviour, psychology, philosophy. So mostly I write articles around these topics.