A Beginner’s Guide to UFC: The Ultimate Fighting Championship

It’s quickly becoming my favorite sport

Ilro Lee
New Writers Welcome


Photo by Artur Didyk on Canva

Why you don’t have to be a huge fan of UFC or mixed martial arts to enjoy the sport

UFC is a fast-paced, thrilling, and full of surprises sport that you never know who is going to win until the very end. Whether you’re a fan of boxing, wrestling, or just action in general, UFC is definitely worth checking out. So why not give it a try? You might just become a fan yourself.

Mixed martial arts (MMA) is a full-contact sport that combines techniques from various other fighting styles, including boxing, wrestling, and Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu. UFC is the most well-known organization for MMA fights.
MMA has been around for centuries in one form or another. But UFC, as we know it today, began in 1993. UFC was created to find out which fighting style was the best. UFC matches were often no-holds-barred affairs in the early days with few rules. This led to some very brutal and sometimes scary matches.

UFC has since evolved into a much safer sport with strict rules and weight classes. But it still retains its excitement and unpredictability. UFC matches are now held in a steel cage called “the Octagon” to prevent fighters from falling out of the ring.
There are typically three ways to win…

