A Letter to My Son

Show Up for Life

Micky Kayn
New Writers Welcome
3 min readSep 6, 2022


via Unsplash

Dear Son,

I know you don’t remember this, but there was a time when life was simple. You ate, you cried, you slept, and sometimes you pooped so much that we just cut off your onesie to prevent a bigger mess. Just a year later and you had learned to roll over, crawl, use a spoon, walk, and say a few words. You even managed to learn a few creative ways to reject peas and to manipulate the nice people that brought you into this world.

Babies learn very quickly, focusing their five senses together to form experiences that guide their development and shape the person they later become. These experiences change and grow more complex with age, but the fruits that they bear can grow sweeter as well. Watching you today was one of the sweetest experiences in my life. I am so proud of all that you have accomplished. I am so in awe of the unique and dynamic person you have become.

I challenge you to find a few minutes to rest. Take some time to reflect on all the moments that led to this cherished day. When you wake tomorrow, that reflection will have prepared you to experience and accomplish much more.

via HomeStratospher.com

The depth and breadth of these accomplishments are unlocked with a key that you hold in your hand right now. Part of life is just showing up, and it is imperative that you are always finding doors to try your key. There will be plenty of doors that do not open on the first try. Occasionally, they never open. However, a recipe filled with resolve, reflection, and repetition will inevitably crack open many doors. On the rare occasion, you may have to lower your shoulder, a brave soldier, to knock down the door.

When the door opens and the room reveals itself, be prepared to take it in with all five senses. It is not enough to see the roses on the table — breathe in their redolence and feel the prick of their thorn. Don’t just taste the cake — appreciate the artistry of its icing and the lifelong passion of its baker. It is not enough to listen to the band — hear the emotion in the rise and fall of the melody and feel the vibration of the drums in your core. And if you happen to dance, do it like nobody else is watching and get lost in the soul held in your arms.

Not every moment can be a celebration, but that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t celebrate every moment. Make the most of each and be confident that your future has many great moments in store.

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Micky Kayn
New Writers Welcome

Data and tech entrepreneur. Connoisseur of life, nature, and logic.