A Message Through Kindness

Kindness whether it is from you or another person can deliver plentiful meanings.

Alluin Dawn
New Writers Welcome
2 min readJan 27, 2023



Kindness is a wonderful thing. An act that is full of positivity and leaves great value in the person assisted and assisting. Often it means a lot more when the act of kindness comes from a stranger. Most of the time we do not know why that occurred.

That encounter, the kindness, the smile, and the kind words said. One would see it as a random event or occurrence. Another person would say it is a result of being kind to others and being treated the same way. A different person would say it must be a message from God or the universe. To brighten up and lighten up. To pick up a positive attitude.

An act of kindness is the reason that made me write this article. I had met on the way home a kind gentleman. Honest in his words and pure with his intentions. He asked me about my studies which I answered wearily at first. Then he apologized for abruptly approaching me of all people. He told me to take care of my studies and work hard. He told me that studying is important and would bring me far in life. To persist and continue doing what I do. That warmed my heart especially since I was not in a great mood that morning.

Kindness can mean a lot to others. It is easy to put a smile for someone. To say a kind word. To help others with simple things. The efforts are little but the value and messages they deliver are not easy to measure. Make it a goal that every day you do at least one act of kindness. Whether it is to smile or kindly greet someone, or even go out of your way to help someone.

There may be times when your kindness is not rewarded or appreciated, but do not let it discourage you. Before everything when you are kind, you do it for yourself first and then for others. To appreciate it is their choice, what matter is that you did it.

Another form of kindness to mention is what the publication New Writers Welcome does by providing a place for a new writer to learn and grow. I want to dedicate these lines as a way to thank them for the publication. To thank the editors for their kind remarks and guidance. To also thank the readers and writers that support each other. I hope once I grow more and learn more I could repay them for their kindness.

Be kind to others, but most importantly be kind to yourself.



Alluin Dawn
New Writers Welcome

Hello and welcome. I like and enjoy writing, so I decided to share my passion by making some short stories to brighten someone's day and possibly share wisdom.