A Simple Ritual

For a Beginner Witch

Morgan Muirhead
New Writers Welcome
1 min readDec 4, 2021


Photo by Halanna Halila on Unsplash

Every witch has completed at least one ritual, but sometimes it can be hard to find or write one that properly fits. So I wrote a small one to get you started, a simple one that will give you luck in your journey.

Beginner’s Ritual


One white candle

One black candle


Tealight (Fire)

Salt or crystals (Earth)

Incense, a feather, or a bell (Air)

A mirror, a pentacle, or something else to represent Spirit

clear quartz


Use the supplies to set up an altar however you feel is right and light the candles.

Next, place your hands over the altar feel the energy from each item.

Speak, sing or chant the following.

I am powerful; the God and Goddess follow me and guide me. The elements power me. Though I do not know much now, I shall learn. Luck is with me, and I am guided and protected. Blessed Be.

Take a moment to bask in the energy and feel your power. When you are ready, blow out the candles and carefully clean up your altar.



Morgan Muirhead
New Writers Welcome

A modern witch and freelance writer who writes weird poetry