A System for Women to Have a Healthy Lifestyle

Seven tips to sustain a healthy weight

Zahratunnisa Ekaputri
New Writers Welcome
4 min readJan 28, 2023


Photo by Diana Polekhina on Unsplash

Having a goal without a system creates chaos in your life. I was overweight a few years ago until I decided to lose weight. The game started after I lost weight. I need to maintain it which means lifestyle changes. Here is my experience in maintaining a healthy weight.

1. Track your menstrual cycle

It is crucial to track your period. Ladies are highly affected by hormonal changes. Working around your natural cycle helps you significantly to lose weight. Periods affect a woman’s mood and energy. Allow yourself to indulge in your favorite food and slow down the exercise. Those strategies help you in the long run. Also, I found myself sticking to a fat loss plan better when I work around my cycle.

2. Track your food

At the beginning of my fat loss journey, I have no idea how many calories I consume to lose weight. Logging food into my fitness pal account gives me an estimated number of calories I eat daily. It shows me the total number of calories I should have according to my goal. Also, it helps me to track whether I am over or under my calories for the day. Keep in mind you can’t track exactly the number of calories burned in a day. It is a rough estimation to give an idea about calories.

3. Track your exercise

Same with tracking food. It helps me to record my progress. It gives me an idea of how far my progress is and adjust as I move forward toward my goal.

4. Create a backup plan

I don’t always feel motivated to exercise or do meal prep every week. But I create a backup plan. For example, I always have boiled eggs ready to eat in my fridge. It helps me to control my hunger if I have no time to cook. Also, it’s a great snack. For exercise, I prepare a resistance band workout as a backup plan on lazy days.

5. Set a bare minimum

I need to eat a nutritious meal at least 2x a day. I can eat whatever I want for one food. It also applies to exercise. I need to work out a minimum 2x per week at despite how busy I am.

6. Find a specific barrier

I prefer to exercise alone. A few years ago, I started to learn how to use gym equipment. I hired a trainer for the first three months. I talked to my trainer about my goal to perform all basic compound lifting independently in three months. Bench press, deadlift, and squat. Then as I progress, I learn the other movement faster because I have the foundation.

I am an early bird. I love to wake up and work out in the morning. It gives me energy for the day. Also, it improves my mood. Find the time that works for you.

I have no idea how to make food flavorful. I started to learn how to marinade chicken in different ways. It keeps me healthy and saves money.

If meal prep is a barrier for you because you have no time, find another pre-cooked meal or convenient healthy food. A goal comes with a cost. You need to choose which way to get to your goals.

7. Set boundaries with yourself

I have a rule not to fall into the same mistake twice. I won’t miss working out two days in a row. Also, I allow myself to eat one fun food in a day. Having boundaries with yourself means you love and respect yourself.

A system is a foundation to reach your goals. It ties your action, intention, and goals. You can live your life with intention and purpose.

Building a new system is hard. To get a system started, stack and act in ongoing things. For example, you want to create exercise as a habit. Try to have physical movement as soon as you wake up for 30 minutes instead of having a separate time to work out. It is easier this way because you add it to things you already doing.

A system is critical to reaching a goal. Especially for women, being mindful of the menstrual cycle helps to achieve a long-term plan. Taking note of exercise and food also helps to track your progress. Identify specific barriers so you can work around them. Set a bar to get maximum results with minimum effort. Finally, have boundaries to help you control your behavior and create healthy habits in life.

