About Me — Shreesh

The Terran

Shreesh Pandey
New Writers Welcome
5 min readMay 11, 2024


Photo by Aaron Burden on Unsplash

Hi there! Welcome!

I’m glad you found my little corner of the universe. I hope you decide to subscribe. Welcome to my profile!

I am Shreesh, an Engineer by profession and a Reader by passion.

I studied Computer Science to pursue my career in Engineering, and while working in Corporate, I grew interested in the Business world. So, to scratch my itch for understanding Business, I studied MBA in Marketing and Finance.

I have been leading the Projects for a decade now, and as I love to teach I have been training multiple teams across various domains, from Technology to Business.

As I said earlier, I have a passion to read about new things, and my desire is:

To be able to talk on every topic in this World!

With this concept in mind, I like to read on various topics and present my perspective on them as well. With time, I have started to share it with people, and I love the healthy discussion that leads from there.

With Medium, I want to broaden my horizons and share my perspective with the Global audience.

And, as I love to discuss them, I am looking forward to having healthy discussions on them with you all.

Pic credit goes to the Author

What will I write about?

I don’t have any specific Niche!


Because currently, I am not writing, I am sharing!

I like to have discussions, share my thoughts, and listen to the viewpoints of others. Currently, that is what I am interested in doing here as well. As I love to teach, I might start a few niche-specific sections in the future, where I will share my expertise and domain knowledge, but we will cross that bridge when we reach there.

For now, I am letting Life dictate my writing!

Why Follow and Subscribe?

Life is a mix of endless possibilities and an ever-growing desire to learn and grow. However, sometimes it can be a bit overwhelming and frustrating. I am here to motivate, encourage, discuss, share, and mutually grow with the help of each other.

Together, we will form a community that helps each other and shares their thoughts, experiences, and knowledge which will help us all. We will help each other in growing and developing while helping ourselves.

Everyone has a story to tell and I am here to share my life stories and hear yours as well. So let’s become a community and share our stories. You never know, sometimes even a small thought can change someone’s life or make it better.

One’s Experience could become Another’s Lesson.

My Publication

Along with Medium, I also write on Substack.

As I want to build a community, I decided to import the posts I write there on Medium as well. But I don’t want to put them behind a paywall. So, I have created a publication on Medium with the name of EkahTerra where I can put all my content from every other platform.

Before you hit that follow and subscribe buttons (which I highly recommend!), let’s address the Elephant in the Room:

What exactly is EkahTerra?

EkahTerra is a combination of two words from two of humanity’s most ancient languages:

Ekah: Meaning “One” in Sanskrit.

Terra: Meaning “Earth” in Latin.

Put them together, and you get “EkahTerra: One Earth”.

This name isn’t random. I opted for this name as it reflects a philosophy of mine, the “One-Earth Theory”. This theory explains that we might have our differences, but we are all the people of the same blue planet, connected with a fundamental bond — our humanity.

About EkahTerra

Created by Author on Canva.com

“EkahTerra” is a newsletter for people who can talk about every topic under the sun while finding their unique voice.

Currently, on EkahTerra I am sharing my knowledge on Finance, my Life-stories and Pop-Culture theories which I publish on Substack, but soon I might include other topics as well.

These topics are separated into three sections:

  1. ETFinance: Where I discuss personal finance, investing strategies, and everything in between.
  2. ETLife: Where I share the life stories and lessons I learned through them.
  3. ETFlix: Where I share the theories and opinions on Movies, Comic books, Fan-theories, and everything Pop-Culture.

Why No Paywall

One of my founding principles while joining this platform was — I need Readers, not Followers. Hence, although I have turned on the paywall on other publications as per their guidelines, on my Publication, I am not putting any posts behind a paywall.

I believe that people are ready to support someone who is delivering. But that should be a choice, not a condition. So if you’d like my content and want to support the newsletter financially, you can support me without choosing any subscription by buying me a coffee.

What do you get: My Eternal Gratitude!

So join me! We’ll have discussions, give advice, and form a community of people who love to discuss things and share thoughts.

Where else you can find me?

Along with Medium, I also have a presence on other Social Media platforms. You can find and follow me on the below-mentioned platforms as well.

Substack: I write about Life stories, theories and opinions on Movies, Comic books, Fan-theories, and everything Pop-Culture.

Twitter: I share my Thoughts of the Day, Opinions, and Updates while trying to connect with like-minded people.

My Website: My base location.

So, go ahead, check them out, and share your thoughts. I will be waiting to hear from you.

Till next time.

Shreesh, Signing off!



Shreesh Pandey
New Writers Welcome

Hi! I am Shreesh. This place is my creative outlet where I unleash the ideas bouncing around my brain. Welcome!