Achieve 10x More with Brian Tracy’s 1000% Formula!

Unlock this secret and 10x your Life in just 10 years!

Divyanshu Lakwad
New Writers Welcome
4 min readOct 8, 2023


Photo by Alex Block on Unsplash

Famous author Brian Tracy presents the 1000% Formula. This is covered in his books “Million Dollar Habits” and “Focal Point.”

Do you think you could raise your output by 0.1% per day? Yes, of course! Now you can see from basic calculations that a daily productivity gain of 0.1% results in a monthly productivity boost of 2%. And using compound interest, that amounted to an annual increase in output, performance, and productivity of 26%.

An improvement of 26% each year, compounded year by year, means that you will double your productivity, performance, and output in 2.7 years. Over the course of 10 years, by improving yourself by 0.1%, 26% per year, you will increase your productivity, performance, and rewards by 1004%! This is an increase in your income of 10 times!

This is a tested theory that is also practically accurate! Thinking was quite easy, but how is it done? Here’s how:

Plan your day

You can see every chore that needs to be completed before you hug your bed when you plan your day. It increases productivity and lessens uncertainty about what to do next. There will always be something on your to-do list that needs to be completed. You’ll all feel as though you’ve nailed the day and are on top of the world once you’ve completed everything on your to-do list before going to bed! That sensation of fulfilment! This will inspire you to plan the day after that and will give you the will to keep going. The simplest shortcut in a long-term race is to move a little closer to your goal each day. Your productivity will increase by 25% if you plan your day. This can help you remain on track and make your major goal more attainable by breaking it down into little, manageable goals.

Make reading a habit

One of the best habits one can develop to promote self-development is reading. Self-investment will enable you to later enjoy one of the best rewards. By dedicating an hour each day to reading in your industry, you are investing in yourself. You can finish a book in around 10 days or fewer if you read at least 30 pages per day. That implies three novels per month. As a result, each year I finish more than 30 books. This is the strength of taking slow, steady steps.

A doctorate is approximately equal to 30 books per year! Just imagine how quickly and how much your intelligence and knowledge would grow, and then picture using all you have learned. This is your current potential.


Making a list of everything you need to do won’t be helpful; you also need a plan of action. The jobs need to be arranged according to priority. Priority must be given to finishing the critical duties. You’ll be able to complete all the key jobs as soon as possible thanks to this, and you’ll still have time for the other activities. It’s still a triumph because you finished your prioritized duties even if you ran out of time for the day. You may enhance your productivity by 50% by setting priorities. Focus on one item at a time; trying to multitask will only provide very poor results; instead, give your full attention to one task at a time for much better outcomes.

Listen to audio programmes while travelling

You may cut your trip time in half and learn new things by listening to audio programs while you’re on the road. That is another win-win behaviour one can develop to increase productivity. Listening helps people grasp and learn new information more quickly. Either you can decide to influence events to go in your favour, or you may decide to continue wasting your valuable time by listening to your favourite music.

Review your decisions after every event

Everyone makes errors, but few people actually learn from them.

Reviewing your choices after you’ve made them will help you realize what you might want to do in place of what you’ve done and what would be the better course of action to ensure your choice was the right one. You will advance quickly if you can respond to these two questions following each choice you make. Letting yourself be aware of your flaws and limitations will enable you to improve in whatever area you believe needs improvement, both consciously and intuitively.

Treat every person you meet as they are the most important person

When you treat everyone, you encounter as though they are the most important person in the world, they will treat you as much.

You get back what you put in.

Respecting everyone you encounter will develop a nice and cordial relationship between you two. This will enable you to surround yourself with positive individuals who are prepared to assist in any situation that may arise. Keep in mind that those who are successful or on their way to becoming successful will always be there to lift you up rather than to keep you there. Respecting everyone will help you build stronger relationships because they will all have a wealth of knowledge to offer you as a result of their collective experience. You never know what someone is keeping from you that could be worth millions to you. Continue to interact and to learn.

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Divyanshu Lakwad
New Writers Welcome

A law student turned writer, working on himself to improve everyday. I mostly write on self-growth, since I love to share everything that I learn.