Achieve More Success — Make Better Routines

What You Do Every Day Does Matter.

Isabel Young
New Writers Welcome
3 min readOct 13, 2021


Photo by Bruno Nascimento on Unsplash

What are Routines?

A routine is a sequence of actions or tasks you do in a regular pattern.

The term ‘routine’ can refer to a sequence of tasks or activities that have been repeated over and over again. It also means the average time, frequency, associated with those activities.

Benefits of Routines — Why are they important?

Routine occurs when an individual gets into a set pattern of behavior. Routines are important because they make it easier to complete tasks. There can be an understanding of what needs to be done and how much time it will take.

Every morning there are routines in place, like brushing teeth or getting dressed. These activities are important for our day because they help us maintain hygiene and make the day more productive.

Workplaces also have routines in place, like meetings, lunch times, and coffee breaks. These routines help keep employees on track with their work. This allows them to take the necessary breaks when needed for mental health reasons. They can also take some time away from work for personal reasons.

Why People Don’t Stick to Their Routines

This is a question that many people who want to make positive changes in their life find themselves asking. The answer is not an easy one. There are many reasons why people don’t stick to their routines and it can vary from person to person.

One common reason why people don’t stick to their routines is when they develop some bad habits. These often come from a lack of willpower or discipline.

Someone may have a routine that includes going for a run every morning. After a few days or weeks, they give up because they’re exhausted and would rather sleep in instead of going for a run.

This may result from staying up too late the night before and not getting enough sleep. They may have been out late or had a few drinks. These actions have now sabotaged their well intentioned morning routine.

After missing a few exercise routines,

they give up and no longer try to change their situation.

The key here is simple.

If you fail, screw up, miss out, skip your routine —

don’t let that dictate who you are!



Final Thoughts:

Habits can change your life for the better.

Habits are one of the easiest ways to start changing your life for the better.

All habits are formed by following a set of rules that are subconsciously put in place by your brain.

Developing good habits will benefit your health and happiness.

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Isabel Young
New Writers Welcome

Motivational, Mindset, Health & Getting Better with Age - Helping people improve what they think and how they feel about themselves.