Achieving Digital Nomad Lifestyle While Working 9 – 5: My Journey

Needs, strategy, and a pandemic made it possible

Luca Vettor
New Writers Welcome


Photo by author

Does your life take you away from your company’s offices, but you can’t afford to quit your job? Do you want or need to decouple work from the workplace?

Let’s be honest: it’s not within everyone’s reach to quit and attempt an online career to finally be free from every constraint typical of 9–5 jobs. At the same time, it is true that the desire for freedom does not stop in the face of difficulties but leads us to adapt to challenges so that we have some chance of success.

For example, you may fall in love with the woman of your life and want to move to live with her 200 kilometers from your company’s headquarters in an area where finding a job for your profession is extremely unlikely. This was precisely my situation six years ago.

Is it possible to find a way to become a digital nomad by continuing your 9–5 work? This was the challenge I measured myself with, and — spoiler alert! — I won.

The beginning: I was a scrum master

Among the many jobs that, by their nature, cannot be done remotely is what I was doing when love took me away from my place of work. I was a scrum master.



Luca Vettor
New Writers Welcome

My 24 years in the IT industry and physics degree flow into my mission: simplify what appears complex.