Aging without Maturity!

Aging can be tough for many, but what if I tell you aging is a choice, and you can opt-out of it?

Raghvi Beri Anand
New Writers Welcome
3 min readAug 30, 2022


Happy face behind the camera, capturing the happiness within.
Photo by Edu Carvalho:

I have seen those eyes sparkle and a body so radiant that chooses to let go of its self-made world full of complexities, complaints, dullness, insecurities, and judgments and welcome the aging process with a pinch of extra sweetness!

Why is it so difficult for most of us to choose happiness over social norms?

Society has been telling us enough and we have been absorbing more than enough ways to lead our lives. Isn't it? Right from how to mourn, and what to wear during a funeral to how many times we can fall in love and how effective, conclusive, and idealistic our marriages should be, and so on and so forth.

Considering our social boundaries are so stringent and don’t allow us to think beyond a certain point, is it still possible to be happy? The answer would still be YES.

We have been mixing up our thoughts and setting precedence with the aging process since its inception. Wrinkles, Freckles, Body Decaying, Memory Shrunk, and so much more our bodies go through after a certain age, however, this decaying process still remains quite superficial.

Our bodies decay after, but our minds and thought process starts narrowing down at a much early age.

You might be deteriorating physically in this long process of aging, but personally, your progress of daily discovery, learning, and adaptation stops after a certain stage. Researches show more than 82% of our world’s population, finds contentment in their thought processes and beliefs at a very early age, which further leads to mental decay. A kind of decay that is much more harmful than physical aging.

Photo by Edu Carvalho:

What is Maturity?

A couple of days ago, my daughter called out to me from her room right after I’d put her down. I sighed deeply when I heard her call me; I was tired and just entering my comfort zone after a long working day. I went to her room and did my best to muster patience as I asked her what she needed. She said sweetly, ‘Mom, I just need you in the room for a little bit’. My heart softened and I said sure, and I stayed a little while by her side.

I’ve thought of that moment often. It’s come to me many times in my conversations with people. She did something that we all experience quite often in our early parenthood days. Security which a true adult carries along. An adult by all means who’s possessed with maturity in abundance.

According to me maturity refers to the practice in which a person responds to a situation with age-appropriate behavior.

Age vs Maturity

It’s true that maturity reflects and should also reflect with age, however, if age gets in the way of having peace and happiness in life, then which one should actually be held for our inability to become a better person?

AGE OR MATURITY, ask yourself?

They say poison is anything beyond what we need. It can be power, ego, fear, wisdom or whatever. This is what exactly happens when we think we have attained enough wisdom to shut our doors for more knowledge! Our children and this youth look up to us on how we welcome our aging process, but if we don’t let our inner child out, enjoy the little things in life, live a life with minimalist expectations and become less judgmental about people in general; our lives will also burn into ashes without making any difference to this world.


So, today let that child alone in you win as you grow old. Beacuse a child never shy away from being curious, expressive and happy!



Raghvi Beri Anand
New Writers Welcome

Creative Writer: Mindset Coach: Fanatically obsessed with Himalayas. Conduct creative writing workshops and mentor people on levitating their mindsets.