Am I a Good Writer?

My battle against imposter syndrome

Fotis K
New Writers Welcome
4 min read5 days ago


Photo by Nik on Unsplash


Can I do this?

Am I capable of producing a high-quality piece of writing?

Can I cope with the ever-evolving work environment?

These are only some of the questions I ask myself every day. I have come a long way since the first time I decided to pursue a career as a writer. However, even now, I wonder if I can make it.

The persistent fog of doubt lingers and the path is often hidden. I mistakenly thought perfecting my skills was the only way to clear the fog. I couldn’t be more wrong!

One simple click was the most effective weapon at my disposal and the one thing that made me realize what I should be doing! When I published my first article, I suddenly grasped how much time I had lost trying to perfect my writing skills.

Imposter syndrome is the reason I was and still am taking steps backwards!

For those who may not know, imposter syndrome, put simply, is a psychological state where you feel that you’re not good enough to do something. You deem yourself an imposter who pretends to be good and capable.

In our case, you think that you’re not a good writer! The negativity that comes with this thought is more than enough to make you quit. Hundreds or even thousands of young writers failed because of imposter syndrome.

So, how can you deal with it?

Can you make it disappear once and for all?

Photo by Linus Sandvide on Unsplash

My story so far

I have always loved writing! It was a way to express my thoughts and emotions. Ι grabbed a pen and wrote down what I experienced each day, trying to find a meaning. However, I could have been more disciplined and organized.

I ended up with a load of pages. A chaotic mess of incoherent notes!

One day, an idea popped into my head!

Why don’t I write a novel?

Having the will to do something is the first step, but you will soon reach a dead end without a proper plan. This is exactly what happened! I wrote a few pages and then I felt stuck. It was not as easy as it seemed!

So, I put down the pen and let myself relax for some time, but my daily routine and the responsibilities of a husband and father are relentless.

Days became weeks, weeks became months, and then, before I knew it, a few years had passed.

I found my old notebook and read my notes out loud. It sounded like something written by a ten-year-old. I was disappointed and started reading articles and books to improve my writing.

Draft after draft, whatever I wrote couldn’t satisfy the standards I set for myself. I may have been too harsh, but I thought I was on the right track.

After a while, though, I reached a dead end once again. Only this time, I felt devastated.

This rubbish is all I can create and I dare call myself a writer?

I don’t know if the circumstances cause imposter syndrome or if it depends on a person’s character, but it is a real pain to deal with.

I found some courses online that helped me boost my confidence and I was ready to hit “Publish”.

It is this exact moment that can change the game.

I published my first article! It didn’t do so well, nor did the next articles and stories I published, but now I knew I could only improve from here on out.

Photo by sydney Rae on Unsplash


So, how can you deal with imposter syndrome?

As with any other “fear” that you may have. Face it directly and move forward! There’s an old saying: “If you want to get out of the snow and reach your destination, don’t waste time choosing the right way! Take the first step! Start walking! Everything will come in place, sooner or later.”

Can you make it disappear once and for all?

I don’t think so! It will be there waiting in the corner for an opportunity to enter the stage. As a matter of fact, it is not in your best interest to eliminate it. If you keep it under control, it can be a handy tool to help you improve and progress.



Fotis K
New Writers Welcome

Aspiring writer, struggling translator and a hardworking chap in general. Hopelessly searching for common sense in a world of insanity!