Announcing New Writers Welcome June Prompt Challenge

Tell us everything about your writing space and stand a chance to win $35

Drashti Shroff
New Writers Welcome


Photo by Los Muertos Crew:

Mornings are my favorite part of the day 🥰

Sunday evenings are the worst, you all know why right? The thought of Monday is dreadful, but then for me, nothing like it, once Monday actually starts.

Temporarily, I am out of work, so I do not have to worry about reaching the office on time, preparing for a meeting, or even fake-greeting my colleagues!

I do need a job but a part of me likes staying at home — not having to respect a specific time for work. Maybe I am just used to being in my comfort zone.

Every morning, my husband has to leave for work at 7:30, and so I am already up by then, wishing him a good day, kissing him goodbye, and secretly elating inside because of all the room, space, and time I will have to myself during the day.

Once he leaves, I enter into what I like to call the — “Me Zone

excited you and me GIF — Find & Share on GIPHY

I am happy and dancing, just like that.

