Anxiety Continues To Ruin My Life

I try to control it, but now I can’t even seem to contain it.

Chico Spears
New Writers Welcome


A stressful man alone in a room
Photo by Rawpixel from Envato

Genuine relationships are important to me. However, I weed people out who don’t deserve my energy. I am at peace with letting people go. This version of me needs no one, and I probably never have.

Unfortunately, I am sentimental. I can romanticize anything. Music, food, life, or people; I can make anything seem like everything. It’s that passion for things that often betrays me.

I’ve become so numb

As numb as I say I am, I do feel. I’m empathetic and often take on the problems of others. However, in some moments, I can’t feel anything. It’s in those moments I tend to overcompensate.

I suffer from extreme anxiety. You’d never know it by looking at me. My demeanor is often so relaxed it annoys me. No matter the chaos within, I can still fake a smile.

This is not information for everyone. I appreciate the fact people can be so honest about this. However, people don’t need to know this about me. They don’t deserve to see my vulnerabilities.

The chaos in my mind is always in a battle with my seemingly calm demeanor. I avoid letting them see the man behind the curtain. Being vulnerable always fails me. It’s exhausting fighting…



Chico Spears
New Writers Welcome

I’m a sentimental over-thinker who loves writing about the relationships we have with the random people, places and things that influence who we are.