Are ‘Side Hustles’ Destroying our Passion?

The potential harm to our recreational interests

New Writers Welcome
5 min readFeb 22, 2022


Photo by RetroSupply on Unsplash

When I was young, I adored writing. Whether or not my finished piece was “good” or even read by anyone, I still loved it. I loved the process and I loved having something which was mine. I churned out stories at an unbelievable pace, and I think I might’ve been the only ten year old to ask for a typewriter for Christmas (which my Mum managed to get for me — forever thankful).

So why do I feel so much pressure when I try to write nowadays?

Every time I open an app, I feel as though I’m bombarded with the mention of side hustles and hustle culture — which, in fairness, is technically my fault, since I’m dealing with advanced algorithms which know me better than I know myself…

But it’s still suffocating, and I feel as though it’s poisoned my perception of what constitutes a genuine hobby and/or passion (side note: I should really select that not interested option on those previously-mentioned posts).

I can’t tell you how many side hustle articles I’ve read: tips and tricks on how to grow your side hustle; the most profitable side hustles to pursue; the wonderful world of the passive side hustle — it all triggered that little I can be my own boss! receptor in my brain.

But I found that none of them were actually motivating me to engage in my hobbies. I was so wrapped up in which hobby could be easily monetised or which would be the smoothest option, that I lost my initial interest and passion for whatever I wanted to do in the first place.

In other words: the desire to desperately transform my interests into money-making schemes directly withered my genuine passion for them.

While I absolutely do not think that the mere concept of a side hustle is bad, I do think there’s concern regarding the intent behind wishing to pursue such an endeavor. It’s a dream for many of us to do what we love and be able to live off of its earnings, and I personally believe it’s worth trying to pursue such a goal and to be bold with your passions.

But, that intent — that’s what we need to remind ourselves of. Are we doing it for love or financial gain; for art or for profit? It’s not quite as cut and dry as that — there’s likely a mixture of motivations behind any such venture—but it’s an important core consideration nonetheless.

Photo by Leone Venter on Unsplash

Many of the articles I’ve read seem to have made their decision: it’s profit over passion.

I understand that everyone has different goals and motivations, and there’s nothing inherently wrong with that, but something about these pieces made me sad.

I suppose I imagined a situation where I followed such advice. If you’re like me, you’ve felt the immense pressure to need a side hustle. It adds financial stability; it gets you “ahead” of the pack; it promises the end goal of “never having to work a day in your life”. It’s so logical and sensible, yet so unbelievably draining.

Well — needing a side hustle is draining; wanting a side hustle doesn’t have to be.

Let’s say I viewed my writing as something I needed to transform into such a venture. I’m sure a lot of people would see the name facelesswriter and suggest that I change to using my real name. If I wish to “succeed” as a writer (a definition which differs from person to person, of course), then I’m better off spinning my identity into a brand in order to connect with the largest amount of people, grow my audience and increase my views.

But I don’t want to do that. Not for any reason other than I personally feel more true and honest when I write under a pseudonym. It’s entirely possible that I might change the way I feel about this one day, but that’ll be a decision I make out of personal motivation, not one which gives into the aforementioned pressure.

Of course, I’d love to grow an audience and write pieces which connect with people, and I’d love to turn it into what we call a “side hustle” (or even a full-time job — imagine!), but I don’t want to compromise my core passion behind why I’m writing to do so.

In saying that, though, I’m absolutely not against putting one’s effort towards learning techniques which will aid them in reaching said goals, such as reading about how to make your articles stand out and attract attention — integrity can be upheld while playing the game.

Because again: it’s the intent that matters

If you play for profit, then that’s your prerogative. But I believe the heart lies in playing for your love of the sport first; even when profit may ideally be a byproduct.

I’m not an “expert” by any means, but I do want to be proud of the pieces I write. I’m still learning and experimenting with topics and writing techniques, but it’s mainly a way to carve out my own style and explore areas of interest. I try to always be open to criticism and, honestly, I’d like to actively encourage it.

Not only that, but I’ve found that letting go of the unbearable weight and self-inflicted importance of the side hustle actually lends itself to stronger motivation for and natural attraction towards passion projects and self-expression. Letting go of your reliance on the “grind” allows you to approach interests with a calmer and lighter state of mind, encouraging your input and creativity to flourish with no concern regarding the impact this hobby may have on your future.

I don’t have all the answers and, in reality, I’m just another person in a sea of writers discussing side hustles. But, I say all this to say: it’s important to spend time giving some thought into why you want to pursue a side hustle.

What are your personal values? Are your end-goals contradictory to said values? Do you find the work draining, or does it pour out of you naturally? Or perhaps somewhere in-between? Do you really care about what you’re doing, or are you simply climbing the most convenient ladder to the top?

In a world filled with get-rich-quick schemes and people swearing they know what’s best for you, it’s easy to lose the fire which drives you; the flame that fuels your lust for life.

Whatever you do, don’t let anyone or anything extinguish that flame.



New Writers Welcome

Here to write about music, mainly, but not afraid to dabble into the uncharted territory of movies and games.