Are You Living In Solitude?

There are benefits and disadvantages too.

Sana Bst
New Writers Welcome
2 min readDec 2, 2022


Photo by Emma Simpson on Unsplash

People who like to be alone and avoid social interaction, we usually call them Introverts, and unlike them, socially active people are called Extrovert. Is there any comparison of right and wrong between these two types of people? A BIG NO

Just remember that excess of everything is dangerous. Now introverts are the people who prefer to live alone. They feel comfortable and enjoy their company rather than interacting with everyone except a few very close people. So, we can not say that they are loners. There is a big difference between loneliness and solitude.

As Paul Tillich said,

Loneliness expresses the pain of being alone, while solitude expresses the glory of being alone.

So, living in solitude is healthy for your mind and body. You get a chance to explore yourself more. It makes you a keen observer and thinker. You get to know more about your likes and dislikes. You get time to do stuff you always wanted to do but were not getting enough time. You plan your life and think about achieving your dreams. As solitude negates distractions So, it makes us closer to our Lord too. So, stop freaking out, enjoy your alone time and cherish these moments.

Without great solitude, no serious work is possible ~ Picasso

But as I mentioned above, excess of everything is poison. If we start living in solitude for the rest of our lives, would we be doing good with ourselves, not being social animals?

Spending time alone is helpful for peace of mind, but what if this solitude extends its limit? Then we will start overthinking everything, comparing our life with others, and one thing will lead to another, and before we know it, we will be in deep stress and depression. So, we need other people in our life to overcome this stress and to share our thoughts. When we surround ourselves with a social gathering or environment, we get opportunity to know other people and their life, which help us to understand different perspective.

All human interactions are opportunities either to learn or to teach.

We have got to come out of our little world and explore things we have never experienced, but most importantly, we should keep our life balanced.



Sana Bst
New Writers Welcome

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